Hello sweet friends! I hope you all are covered up with the reminder of how much you are loved this weekend! I am so sorry to say that I have yet to sit and read all of your wonderful posts about the event. I am hoping that opportunity is coming this week. Thank you for writing and sharing and linking up! I wanted to stop in and wish you all a wonderful weekend and let you know how much you are loved by Him.
Whether or not you go to church tomorrow.
Whether or not you "dress up" if you do decide to go to church tomorrow.
Whether or not you are made to feel welcome.
Whether you sit on the front row or the back row or in the comfort of your own home.
Whether you own a bible or not.
Whether you have ever prayed a single prayer or not.
Whether you know one scripture or not.
Whether you know one word to one, single song or not.
You are loved.
Maybe this is the first time you have ever heard those things.
They are true...
He doesn't base His love for you on any of those things.
You are loved unconditionally. No matter what.
He cares that you know how much you are loved by Him and He desires a relationship with you....
I pray that you would find yourself absolutely saturated by the love of the Father this Easter weekend sweet friends.... His love has no address. It is not reserved just for church folks. It is not reserved just for the "good girls."
I can remember never wanting to attend church because I never felt "good enough."
I believed that lie for way too many years.
And then once I learned the truth- I didn't want to just "attend" church anyway.
I wanted to worship Him.
I wanted to learn about Him. His nature. His character. His heart. His love.
I wanted to say "thank you."
You don't have to be "good" to be loved by Him. That's the good news.
He didn't rise from the grave just for the self proclaimed "good people."
He rose from the grave for every, single one of us.
His grace is for every, single one of us.
His love is for every, single one of us.
And I just wanted to share those truths with you this Easter weekend.....
so true my friend.
you just ooze His love. you share it, you give it freely, you radiate His love!
have a blessed easter with your precious precious family.
i love you dearly
Dear Sibi,
Thank you for sharing this message.
It is one of the reasons why I taught CCD. I wanted kids to know that God loves them and that he is not to be feared...like the way our parents were brought up.
God is loving!
I don't think that I have corresponded with you since we talked about your guest posting on my other blog(other than commenting here that is). At the time, you were getting off a plane in NY to be a guest speaker. How exciting for you.
I'm glad that you were able to fulfill one of your dreams this year with The Pearl Event.
Enjoy being with your family tomorrow! I'm glad that your husband will be with all of you. :)
Happy Easter Sibi. Thank you for reminding us that the CROSS changed everything. Love you!
Blessings to you Sibi. Happy Easter. He is risen indeed!
Beautiful reminder of His love & grace. I'm so glad He is patient to keep reminding me over and over and over, because I apparently am a slow learner. :)
this is powerfully good, and someone so needs to hear this.
But i LOVE the fresh reminder of his HUGE love for us. Thanks Sibi, and hope your Easter made some memories to cherish. Ours was kinda quiet and different. But we are all tired, so maybe that was good. He refreshes and renews this SEASON, nit just one Easter day !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Sibi -- sorry I am late on reading and commenting here!
Thank for this - i did read it on Saturday - inbetween the busyness! And it blessed me!
Hope all is well
When we were in Mexico during S Break, we were walking on the street in Cozumel one night and we could hear a Mass being conducted in Spanish. The door to the church was open and my little one said, "Mommy, two men inside don't have shirts on." I said, "That's ok. I don't think God cares." I thought of you, Sibi. I've learned to separate what I care about from what God cares about. Thank you for helping me start to clear away the crapola!
Happy Easter to you and your family! I always love your sweet messages ... they are so full of truth and simplicity. You have a real gift for delivering His message, and I hope a million people hear you. Take care!
Hi Sibi, just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris
Sibi you have an AMAZING gift of encouragement and of sharing His love!! You are such a treasure in God's kingdom!!
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