Thursday, May 23, 2013

The Triple Strand- Mini Update

I wanted to stop in quickly and give you all a mini update on The Pearl Event! 

Our family was hit with the stomach bug starting that day with sweet baby Preston and it has been tough here between that and the end of the school year things! 

I am planning a big post as soon as I get the pictures back sometime next week. 

I cannot wait to share them with you all! 

The speakers were incredible.

Y'all. They were amazing!!!  You all need to know these precious women! I will write and share more about them in the big post next week!

In the meantime you can connect with them through their beautiful blogs here.

Cherish, Rachel and Charity

I was so proud of them and for them.

I spent most of the day in awe of their courage and their humility and their willingness to so freely share their pieces.

They blessed every, single woman in attendance. 

And the women in attendance blessed every, single one of us! 

They were kind and loving and full of beautiful words and encouragement.

I cried all of my makeup off- just like last year.  :)

I was just so moved by how big God was in each of the speakers and in our worship team and through 

each of the women who traveled in from all over to attend the event. 

Completely blown away.

I was so grateful when they day finally arrived that I hardly knew what to do with myself!

I want to thank each and every one of you who prayed for us and who prayed for the event. 

Thank you! Thank you!

I want to thank the worship team and the speakers and their husbands and every single one of you 

who blessed us and supported us by attending this year. It all means so much.

If you didn't get the chance to attend this one or the last one...we will plan to have it again next year in the early spring and would love for you to join us! 

Thank you again for your love, support, encouragement and prayers beautiful friends.

My heart is full of gratitude.

I will share more once I get the pictures to add to the post! 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The Big Week

Morning Glories!

I wanted to write a quick post with a few details about the event and also wanted to ask you all for

your prayers! The Pearl Event is this Friday and we are busy preparing and organizing all of the million 

details that lead up to the big day.

Beautiful friends, I love doing this. 

I have such a passion for gathering women together to receive from the Lord and experiencing Him
saturate them with His love.

I love creating a beautiful atmosphere for God to display His splendor for His daughters.

I am so passionate about studying God's word and teaching and encouraging others. 

I also love to create opportunities for other women to teach and share their testimonies as well.

There isn't anything like listening to a woman share her God story in front of a room full of women for the first time! It is incredible! 

I truly believe that after the gift of motherhood, this is my calling. 

It is the way that I worship the Lord.

It is my offering of obedience and sacrifice.

I am so incredibly grateful and thankful and I truly believe, down to my core, that I am called to create these events to teach and encourage His daughters.

I have an unexplainable deep desire that will not allow me to give up when things get really hard.

I wanted to ask you for your prayers for this week for myself and my family and for the speakers and their families and our worship team and their families.

I wanted to also ask for your prayers for our attendees and their families. Please pray that God would meet them right where they are and minister to their hearts in the most deeply personal way.

Please pray for those Pearl Girls who desire to attend but who have not been able to work it out this far.

Please pray that God would make a way where there seems to be no way. 

Most importantly, please pray that God would be glorified in the most beautiful and amazing ways.

Lastly, if you or someone you know would like to attend and truly cannot afford the tickets, please email me and we will make it happen.

If you recently won a ticket through a blog or Instagram or received a comped seat, each person attending still needs to register and enter the promotional code and receive your tickets through email. If you are not registered, we have no idea that you are planning to attend:)

We have classroom style seating this year and we want to make sure everyone has a seat! 

You must have your printed tickets with you in order to enter the event this year. 

Thank you all so much for your love and prayers! I cannot tell you how much it means to me...

I will update the blog next week with lots of pictures from the big day! 

Friday, May 10, 2013

Details About The Pearl Event And A Giveaway

Morning Glories!

We are one week away from the big day! Yay!!!

We've had some big days here with our own family included our Macey Girl graduating from college!!

Oh beautiful friends!! 

You don't even know.

I've tried to articulate and communicate my heart about how incredible this was and is and all I do is sit at the keyboard and weep with gratitude and I am so proud of my girl that I think my heart is going to explode with love and thanksgiving! 

I'm trying my best to gather my thoughts and words and type everything into a post. It's coming soon!!

In the meantime I wanted to answer some common questions regarding The Pearl Event and also share a special Mother's Day weekend giveaway! 

What is The Pearl Event?

You can read more details and testimonies about the event on our event website here :

To give you a brief description:

This event is a living, breathing expression of the Father's heart for His daughters. It is a day where He displays His splendor. His love. His goodness. His glory. It is a day where women share their incredible testimonies of overcoming adversity to bring hope and encouragement to women from every type of background. It is a celebration of our identity in Christ, who is the ultimate pearl of great price. There is biblically sound teaching shared using the scriptures along with the heartfelt testimonies of our incredible guest speakers.

What is the age range for the event?

This event is perfect for high school girls all the way up to grandmother's. We have every age within that range in attendance. Love, hope and encouragement fit any age! 

What Christian denomination or ministry is The Pearl Event connected to?

The Pearl event is a non-denominational Christian women's conference.  It is not connected to or affiliated with a specific church or ministry. Last year we had attendees representing 12 different denominations (including up until the day of The Pearl Event some who listed as unbelievers! Yay God!! ) from 16 different states across the US. It was amazing!!! 

May I bring my baby or young children?

This event is a gift to yourself. It is a day to relish in and celebrate your identity in Christ and a day to draw closer to God. Your children will thank you for taking the time to fill your heart and soul with God's love and allowing yourself a break for a day. 

May I bring my husband?

Our speakers husbands are in attendance to support and pray for their wives during the event. Our attendees husbands love to give their wives a day at The Pearl Event without them:)

May I bring my camera or video camera?

Please bring your camera! You are welcome to take pictures:) Video recording of the event is not permitted by attendees. We are planning to have professional video footage taken the day of the event to record all of the talks.

Just a few more days to purchase your tickets!

Giveaway Details!

I also wanted to offer the chance for you to win tickets to The Pearl Event next week! Wouldn't you love to bring your sweet Mama as a Mother's Day gift or bring your girlfriends and spend the day together? Just leave a comment and I will choose winners first thing Sunday morning and post on Mother's Day! We are already praying for you all and cannot wait to hug you in person just one week from today! 



Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Why You Can't Give Up

You aren't going to give up are you?

You can't quit. You can't throw out the pearls yet.

You can't hold back. 

Shrink back.  

Or look back.

You could be right on the edge of something incredible! 

You could be right on the cusp of the dream coming true.

Tomorrow, everything could change.

Right now, this very minute, your new job, position, title, paycheck, book deal, dream client, good bill of health, or positive pregnancy test could be headed your way! 

Right now, this very minute, someone may be typing you an email that is going to change your life- forever.

It happens every day.

Why not you?

Right now, this very minute, people may be gathering on your behalf to help deliver your dreams.

I say this all the time- but listen....

It is not over.

Not by a long shot.

You could meet your dream guy tomorrow. Be engaged in 6 months. Be married in a year and 
get pregnant on your honeymoon.

It happens every day.

Why not you?

Remember that God is a God of "suddenly."  Need a reminder? You can read that post here.

The script, book, song or piece you've written may actually be read by exactly the right person today, even right this very minute.

You can't quit.

And neither can I.

In a moments notice we can go from merely surviving to thriving in life!

I am praying for that and believing that for myself and shared that on Instagram yesterday.

Everything can change.

It doesn't have to be the way it has always been.

The first day of this glorious brand new month can be the start of something amazing!

Today I made a list of everything and anything that I am believing God for during the month of May. 

I am believing God for the new and beautiful things!

I am attaching my faith to God's promises. 

So many times, we attach our faith to our fears. Or we attach our faith to our circumstances.

We have to attach our faith to God's promises. To His word.

Faith is believing those things that are not as though they were.  Romans 4:17

God says to write the vision and make it plain. Habakkuk 2:2

Write down what you want. Write down the vision and the desires of your heart. Whatever it is that you are dreaming about. Whatever it is that you are believing by faith to receive.

Decree it and declare it. Make the declarations until you start to believe it with everything within you.

His word tells us to "decree a thing and it shall be established."  - Job 22:28

You can read previous posts on that subject part one here and part two here for encouragement for your heart today.

We are going to start out the first day of this glorious new month believing by faith for every, single desire of our heart. 

For beautiful and life giving friendships. For every need met. For our health to prosper. For our marriages to thrive. For our families to be blessed. For divine connections. For there to be more than enough financially to care for our families and to give into the kingdom. For an outpouring of creativity and new ideas. For our businesses to be blessed. For God ordained relationships and favor and friendships. Just to name a few...

So many incredible and amazing things are waiting for you beautiful friend.

Today is just the beginning.

Don't give up. Don't quit. Keep going!

The miracle may be in your hand tomorrow.