It is so hard to believe that Ashton is already a month old today. In the midst of so much going ~I have done my best to take the time just to hold him in my arms. Relishing in these newborn moments. The children are adjusting well to life with a new sibling. Bella Grace is a Mother Hen. She is constantly asking to help and to hold him . She will steal a kiss or two or twenty on any given day. Big brother Bennett is very active and busy and running around doing 3 year old boy things and then will stop everything to run over and give Ashton the sweetest kiss right on his forehead. "Mama he is sooo darling"! It's funny to hear him say something like that! Baby Pearl runs to his bassinet every time she hears him cry! "Oh ba-beeeee" ! This is her very favorite thing to say. She says this over and over again each time he cries until he finally stops ~then she tries to give him a kiss on his head (but can't reach!) and runs off to play with her older siblings. We are all trying to find a new schedule and a new rhythm as a family! This takes time and so I am trying not to obsess about things. The house, the laundry, the meals and so on. They are only little once. They are only little once. They are only little once.....this I know so well.
Dearest Ashton,
Great Joy. This is you. You are what one is referring to when they speak about the sum total. The cherry on top. The nectar of life. The cup that is full. Pressed down. Shaken together and running over. You are the blessing that there is not room enough to receive- that the word speaks about so clearly. Our hearts are so full because of you. There is such happiness -such joy in your little sounds, and in the sounds that fill our house now. I am grateful my precious son that the One who gives chose me to be your Mother and for you to be my child. He has knit our hearts together- one for another- from the moment you were born and placed in my arms.
My arms and my heart and my soul and my spirit are overflowing because of you my sweet baby boy. I love you so.