Oh it's here! We just love Christmas and all that it represents! I pray that I will be able to keep my focus on Him instead of on the hustle and bustle that can easily overtake the importance of this season. I wanted to share one thing that I do with my children that helps remind them of why we celebrate Christmas. I love reading "The Littlest Angel" by Charles Tazewell to them. If you do not have this book, you must, you must get this book and read it to your little angels this Christmas. It is beyond precious. It is also extra sweet if you can let them wear angel wings while you read it to them! We love so many things about Christmas. Most of all I love the way hearts are softened and opened to give and receive. Whether that means love. Or forgiveness. Or hope. Or encouragement. These gifts cannot be bought. They do not go on sale. They are never marked down. They are priceless. Life changing. Think about a time when someone gave you the gift of forgiveness. It is humbling. Truly. We know that we do not deserve it. And yet, it is given to us anyway.We know that if the truth be told. The offense could and should sit for years. But forgiveness is such a gift. And what about love? Oh love is immeasurable. It is so wide and so deep. It has such a ripple effect too. It cannot be contained. It must be shared. There is nothing like the feeling of loving someone and being loved. I was reminded of just how powerful this feeling is recently when we took our children to a Christmas event here in town. We looked at the trains. We drooled over all of the gingerbread houses. We ate lunch together and listened to the children's choirs sing. It was wonderful. Of course, everyone knew that I wanted to take some pictures of the kids underneath the gorgeous trees. No one was excited about that. I knew it wouldn't be easy with four little ones five and under -But I tried anyway. I was adjusting them, propping them, fluffing and puffing and then leaning back as far as I could to try and get a quick picture. I was frustrated. I wanted a picture of the four of them in all of their Christmas pageantry. After several attempts I gave up and turned around to leave and there stood several grandmothers, one of whom was crying. I walked over to her and asked her if she was okay, and she said that seeing my children just blessed her so much but it also made her miss her grandchildren terribly. I asked her if she was going to see them this Christmas and she shook her head no. An opportunity had presented itself. I picked up Ashton and handed him to her to hold. She held this baby to her chest and cuddled him and hugged him and the tears just streamed her face. I knew there was a story that went with those tears but I prayed that as she held my newborn son, she would feel the love of a Father who has her desires in His hands.A Father who has not forgotten her but Who is ever mindful of her. I prayed that she would receive my gift of love to her- a total stranger, and that she would be full to overflowing with the real spirit of Christmas. May you each be blessed with boxes full of love and kindness. May you each unwrap the gift of forgiveness. May your hearts be tied with ribbons of mercy and grace. May you open up the gift of hope this year. And most importantly, may you receive the greatest gift one could ever ask for. Him. Merry Christmas to you and your little pearls.
Your children look precious in their Christmas attire! Merry Christmas!
I always look forward to your posts, Sebi! And this one did not disappoint. You have such a gift for writing AND sharing your Christian faith. I hope someday you will consider submitting some of your writing to a Christian publication. Merry, Merry!! xoxo
. . . especially your post about Pearls :) xoxo to you and yours! What does hubby think about our new Vols Football Coach ????
Wouldn't it be the best Christmas ever if we could all feel the love of God our Father, holding us like a parent holding their newborn! What love!
Do I even need to say, your posts are THE BEST!!!
I love this post and it is oh so very true! I love the Christmas pictures with the kids. You are sooo blessed!
how cute are those babies!!!
my, how ashton has already grown. i know that grandmother was just so thankful that her path had crossed yours that day. i am sure she loved all over your beautiful babies, and YOU for allowing her to do so. i know you made her day & week allowing her to hold ashton.
What a fabulous post. You are so kind and intuitive to hand Ashton over to that woman.
Such inspiration! And of course, tears. I am so moved thinking of the dear Grandmother missing her grandchildren. You are so sweet to share your little love with her for a just a bit.
All the best to you!
sebi, where is ashton's little outfit from? my chrsitian needs this precious little ensaamble.
Thank you for this blog...is was a blessing to read. Have a very happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you! I think the pictures of your children are precious. Just to have them sitting in one place is a feat in itself!
My heart breaks for that poor grandmother. What a sad situation.
Oh Honey,your post is beautiful. The tears are flowing as I think about the blessing your sweet ones gave to me this Christmas. You are so wise to see the need and let Ashton fill it for this grandmother. Love to you and all Mom
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