Can I just say, I am such a Barefoot Contessa fan! I have all of her cookbooks and really enjoy her recipes. I also could not believe that this wonderful blogger stood in a very long line for a very long time to send me an autographed copy. Thank you so much Jennifer, I really appreciate your kindness!

Monogram Chick!! Please pop over and visit my new blogging friend and see what else you might need with your name on it!!
This is the most wonderful coffee maker ever invented! It is the Keurig Platinum Brewing System. I cannot begin to tell you how wonderful this coffee maker is! Mr. Pearls and Grace, who is very particular about his coffee, was even more excited about this giveaway than I was!
He could not believe that I won this coffee maker. Thank you so much to Lauren and to Keurig
for blessing this very sleep deprived mother (and father) of five with such a generous gift!
I am beside myself with excitement. I am also beside myself with feeling terrible that I am just now posting about this on my blog! Please forgive me blogging friends. My heart wants to blog every day, stay current, respond to all e-mails immediately, share awards right away and leave comments on all of your wonderful posts! Oh how I wish that I could! I know there are lots of you with households full of little ones, and activities and many other things that can do this blogging thing very well. But me? Well, I am lucky to get one post in a week! I am trying. In the meantime, I would like to share the wonderful giveaways that I received! I never win things, so this was really special for me! A big, huge THANK YOU to the following bloggers for these WONDERFUL gifts!!! I am beyond grateful! My kitchen is looking very festive this holiday season!
Can I just say that I'm so thankful for your blog? You give me so much encouragement, dear Sebi. I am now expecting my first little one and I long to hold him/her in my arms and cherish my child like you cherish yours! You are truly an inspiration to me. I'm thankful that you get up one blog post a week! Keep 'em coming!
Much love and hugs,
Wow~ you had such a nice streak of luck there:) Congrats!
What a streak! I am so glad you are enjoying your cookbook! You are sweet to post about it but totally unnecessary!
I am so happy you all are enjoying the Keurig! I love using mine, plus it's so nice to make one cup of coffee at a time.
Thank you so much for writing such a fun, inspirational blog! I love keeping up with you and your sweet family.
You deserve it and you need to buy a lotto ticket asap!!! LOL!
How wonderful to catch up with your family...I hadn't realized I was so far behind! Your holidays were beautiful!!
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