Birthday Breakfast in Bed

Princess Bella
Just a few pictures of our adorable birthday girl! This marks the start of our very busy season, from December until August our celebrations do not stop! With big families you have a lot to celebrate! Lucky for our little ones, Mama loves a good party! I will go out of my way to make sure that each and every one of our children know that they are loved and adored. It is my pleasure!
We started out the day with a nice surprise for Bella! Just like every year, she woke up covered in pink rose petals and was served breakfast in bed. She also had a sweet surprise from her Daddy. A pink sparkle headband and a card from him to start her special day. We also went to her school later on that day to read a special story about her, handed out popsicles to everyone and then took pictures with all of her classmates. Bennett went with me at Bella's request and he was so excited the entire day- you would have thought it was his own birthday! We waited for Daddy to come home and then had a "t*nkerbell" party here with just the family. Dinner, presents and pink cupcakes with pink sprinkles and pink candles. Does everyone know what her favorite color is? That's right. We love pink around here. We are planning to host her party with classmates after the first of the year.
There is something really special about this age. She seems so little and so big at the same time. I am trying to hold on to the "little" as long as possible. She loves dolls and babies, as well as playing "Mother" to each of her siblings. She is an old soul. Only six years old in the natural but she is fifty on the inside. Everyone loves her. Her classmates. Her teachers. Her family. Even friends of mine come over just to visit her. She has an unbelievable ability to connect with another person. And not just connect but get to their heart. She speaks prophetically at the tender age of six - something that is very humbling to witness as her Mother. She loves to dance and twirl and dress up like a ballerina and princess. She loves to sing and has the voice of an angel. She also has a beautiful anointing of love and compassion- coupled with a mercy gift the size of the state of Texas. There isn't a baby or child, an animal or insect, a tree or a flower -that she doesn't absolutely love. She loves every single thing that God created. She loves Him and she will tell you that. She talks to Him. She dances with Him and she exudes love with the beautiful heart of a servant toward every single person she meets. I am so thankful to celebrate you, my sweet, beautiful gift of grace.
Happy Birthday Bella!!! You are so blessed to have such a wonderful Mom and Dad. Your Mom said some very special things about you to her blogger friends. You must be an incredible young lady. 6 years old. What an exciting age!!! Enjoy.
What a sweet post for the birthday girl. Cute pictures! I love the breakfast in bed idea!
She sounds like a fascinating little girl! i love the way you make your children feel so special regardless if it's their birthday or not.
Awwww so sweet Sebi. She is exactly like her mother :-) Happy Birthday to Bella! Sebi, you do such an amazing job of making every child you have feel like an "only" child!! xoxo
{and Hubby does, too ;-)}
Such a nice post about your beautiful daughter!
Happy Birthday sweet Bella Grace!
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