Our first snow
Princess Pearl in her very own sled

All the kids enjoying a snow ball fight

Daddy and the kids decorating each other

Nana's visit and cookie decorating
The kids wearing the aprons Nana made for them

Gingerbread Train Decorating

Gingerbread House and Cookie Decorating

Holiday Train Show

Beautiful pictures..I love the collage displays! Happy New Year!
Looks like you all had some wonderful holiday celebrations. My children used to love making gingerbread houses and we still enjoy decorating cookies too!! It wouldn't be Christmas without those fun projects. Was Princess Pearl wearing a tutu out in the snow? I love it!!! A princess has to be fashionable, whether playing in the snow or not.
I love aprons, so Nana's aprons are adorable!!! It looks like your family had an amazing Christmas. Christmas is so special with small children!!! I miss all that excitement with my own "grown" girls, but I have a classroom full of 3 year olds at school to enjoy!
Love & blessings!
It looks like you had a fabulous holiday season! I love the pictures and the aprons are just adorable too!
It's me again! Thanks for your sweet comments about my little dog and her pearls!!! I will be so glad to have you as a follower whenever you can figure out the technological stuff to be able to do it. No problem. I am in the same boat with this computer stuff, but hey, we are learning!!!
I'm not sure if you realized it or not, but I am Southern Newlywed's Mother. Are you enjoying your coffee maker? I was so thrilled when you won. Have a wonderful week and stay warm!
Love & blessings!
Wonderful Pictures!! Your oldest daughter is beautiful!!!
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