Just wanted to stop in and leave a few "honey" words and happy thoughts for you for the weekend.
Some weekend inspiration and ideas...
Go offline for the rest of the weekend. Be in the moment with your family.
Wear a sundress (no matter your size) roll the windows down ( this will require you to get your hair messed up- it will be okay!) and go barefoot all weekend (even without a tan or freshly polished toes.) Just give it a try! It is liberating.
Try a new church on Sunday morning or try church for the first time. There is no perfect church but ask Him to prompt you or lead you to the place He wants you to try this Sunday ...blessings await.
Visit your local Farmer's Market. Even if there is only a five dollar budget. Fresh from the farm taste beats the grocery store taste every, single time!
Just for the weekend- don't worry. About anything.
This is a gift you are going to give yourself.
And whatever those worries are- just write them all down and offer them up in a prayer to the Father in one brave moment and ask Him to forgive you for not trusting Him.
That is all worrying really is you know...that we are not trusting the Father fully.
Then trust Him on a new level while wearing your sundress and going barefoot and driving with the windows down. Just begin to thank Him.
Thank Him that He is working it out. That He is going before you. That He is orchestrating and organizing and opening doors on your behalf even now. Thank Him in advance.
Read several books to your babies- no matter their age. Then allow them the chance to read to you. They love it and it is time well spent with them.
Get the camera out. Take some pictures with your children.
Even if it is like herding cats. (ask me how I know...) Do it anyway! Don't give up! Mama must be in the pictures this weekend. Set it on auto timer if you have to. Don't get upset if they are crying, running from you or stripping down to their Superman underwear. Just keep trying. You will cherish these photos almost immediately- promise.
Listen to some amazing music. It is healing. Jazz, classical, gospel, praise and worship...it's all good.
And lastly, bake a little something. Your family will love you for this and your home will be filled with fresh baked goodness.
I hope you soak up every drop this weekend! All while you are offline, wearing a sundress, going barefoot, driving with the windows down, listening to music, reading to your babies, taking pictures, baking something wonderful, not worrying, trusting on a new level and trying a little church on Sunday morning.
Happy weekend sweet friends....
All such GREAT ideas! I am wearing the sundress...at least I have one done. Off to get ready for some friends we are having over for dinner.... Have a blessed weekend Sibi. Love this photo too.
Perfect post! Love everything you said..
Happy Weekend to you!
Just spent a carefree day at the beach with my whole family:))))) pure joy!
Love these ideas!! I'm going for it and going to try my best to stop all the worry.
Thank you!
We are enjoying a weekend home together with very few commitments on the calendar.
Baking, photos, and worrying....stories of my life. I loved this post today as much as I loved our sermon at church. Truly, truly blessed day here with the words I have heard. Have a wonderful Sunday with those darling babies!!
What sweet words of encouragement. I did a few of these things...rolled down the windows on an evening drive with my family, tried a new church (our MO for awhile) and went to the Franklin Farmer's Market (loved it!). I went without painted toenails for a month (even at the beach) and finally painted them yesterday. Almost not recognizing them as my own toes they are so bright and happy!
So sweet! I'm glad you posted this...I do almost all of those things...except one...
...I don't let myself be photographed with my kids. And that is such a shame b/c what should happen if our Heavenly Father calls me home sooner than I expect?!!! My kiddos won't have pictures with me.
I'm doing it...this week!
P.S. Are you still running your little business? We will be passing thru your neck of the woods the 2nd week of July...
love it - great ideas...I lead a pretty blessed life (I have to remind myself too often tho) and manage to do alot of these things and feel lucky that way but I love the reminders anyway and the "challenge", OK,on to the important stuff (LOL)...where are all the kids clothes from in that pic above? Is it a line like Janie and Jack or something ...I need coordinating for boys and girls of diff ages/sizes for a group pic and just wondering, they always look very precious :) Thanks for your blog, its a fav for sure! xoxoxo
How did I miss this, I love it! I think I might take this on THIS weekend....went to farmers market today and my toes need polished.....I'm off to a good start!:)
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