Happy Good Friday to you! I'm back to share part two with a few little nuggets that have helped me over the years.
What did you decree today? What declarations have you made with spoken words?
Sometimes we don't even realize that we are actually making a declaration!
Words have power. Ever heard of a self fulfilling prophecy?
Also the use of the words "always" and "never" are usually the start of it!
Here are a few examples.....
I'll never get married.
I'm always broke.
Nothing ever works out for me.
I will never be successful.
I am always going to struggle.
My family is always going through hardships.
We never get a break.
I will never lose that much weight.
I am always going to be alone.
I am never going to get pregnant.
My husband will never love me like that.
I am always living paycheck to paycheck.
These are just a few examples.
Sometimes we can say lots and lots of things just like this over the course of one day. Especially when we really are going through a hard time.
So often these words will come to pass.
We have to use faith.
And speak those things that are not as though they were with declarations! (By faith)
Here are a few ideas!
I decree and declare that I am wealthy beyond measure both spiritually and naturally.
I decree and declare that I am blessed and highly favored.
I decree and declare that this situation and circumstance is turning in my favor.
I decree and declare that I walk in supernatural wisdom and discernment, gifts and talents.
I decree and declare that I walk in tremendous favor at the office and that promotions and increase are mine.
I decree and declare that I will walk in my calling and fulfill my purpose and His perfect will for my life.
I decree and declare that my gift will make room for me.
I decree and declare that my marriage is healthy and whole and full of His love and goodness.
I decree and declare that I am blessed with life ~ giving God ordained friendships.
I decree and declare that I lack no good thing and that every need is met beyond my expectations.
I decree and declare that I will meet and marry the person whom God has set aside for me.
I decree and declare that my womb is blessed and that I am able to conceive, carry and deliver healthy and whole full term babies.
I decree and declare that I walk in the anointing of love and the anointing of Motherhood.
I decree and declare that every bill is paid and that there is always more than enough.
I decree and declare that I will receive every good and perfect gift that He has set aside for me.
These are just a few ideas to get you started! I encourage you to research the many scripture references regarding the words we speak and the power within. I try to be mindful of these very things on a daily basis. Especially when I am walking through something incredibly difficult or painful.
It's so easy to slip back into speaking my circumstances. So easy. But He is so faithful to gently remind me of what to do with these powerful words. "What will you decree daughter?"
Happy Resurrection Weekend!
Speak Life!