I have been blessed. My children are my world. They complete me. They teach me. They inspire me and they bless me. Last night my fifth gift turned two months old. My heart aches that two months have passed us by, but at the same time, I have cherished each day and it is forever impressed upon my heart. Each moment- both wonderful and exhausting has been embraced.
I will take it. The beautiful and the difficult. It's mine. I consider it an honor to be their Mother. I am humbled when I think about what I have been entrusted with. I can't do it without Him though. I have to have His help. When I pray, I ask for the anointing of Motherhood to be poured out upon me. I ask for the anointing of love to fall like rain upon our household. That joy and gladness be my portion and that for every year that the enemy stole from me in years past, that my Heavenly Father give a double recompense to me in return. I have been fortunate that He has been faithful to restore my life in very special ways. When I have had the beautiful opportunity to speak to women's groups and conferences I share about my life- glory to Your name Lord. I share about a girl who was called to be a Mother at the age of 18 years old and the untold adversity that came with it. I share about a girl who dreamed about being a Mother
and having a family of her own one day. Many years would pass before that dream would become a reality. This life I call my own has not come without a price. There is a price to pay when you want to lead others to Him and when you want to give Him the glory. And I do.
So many times people have commented about how I love Motherhood and raising this family
and so on and I wish I had the time to sit them down and give the readers digest version of my life. There was a day when I didn't want to live. A time in my life that was so dark and so full of despair- I don't even want to remember it. But I do. I remember it so that I will appreciate now-here- today- even more. I remember when the enemy tried to steal my life and when I look at these beautiful children, I know now why. He knew what I didn't know. He knew that despite all I had been through and how awful of a person I thought I was, that God had a destiny for me. That He had a purpose and a plan for me. I feel a heavy burden on a daily basis to let others know that He has a purpose and a plan for them as well. If you knew my story,
I'm sure you would understand why I cup the faces of my children in the palm of my hands. Or why I let them sit in my lap for hours -even when they are eighteen years old. Or why I speak life over them every second I get. Why I let the laundry pile up and instead I color, paint and build things. When I get in a hurry, or become discouraged, or frustrated, I am gently reminded about how I almost lost this gift called life and so I hold, cuddle and kiss them. I bake and cook and let them put the love in. I write and journal and capture every beautiful moment by putting pen to paper and thanking Him. Oh yes, I thank Him every second I can. I praise Him for what He has done in my life. For what he brought me out of, and for what He brought me to. If you think about it today, thank Him. No matter what your circumstances or your situation. Offer up a sacrifice of praise. I pray that you will. And while you are praising Him and thanking Him in spite of any and all adversity I pray that the One who created you and your beautiful life reaches down and cups your face in the palm of His hands.......
Someone I love very much needs this post today...thank you.
O.K. I'm crying again! Your post are THE MOST beautiful and lovely one can imagine. Thank you so very much for your inspiring words and encouragement.
I wish I could write like this...pray like this, I do both but not nearly as well or as eliquiently. I feel sadness and darkness of my own today and I offer it all up as best I can, I thank God for the life I have been given and remember )try to) to always count my blessings. Thanks you for your post. Do you everreccomendd books? Other than THE book? (ie, Beth Moore, etc...?!)
These pictures are absolutely precious! I love your new header too! Enjoy every second with your five blessings!
Gorgeous, all three posts, the pictures and the words! I also love the new picture at the top of your blog. What a lovely family you have! I know things are crazy fun for you right now with a newborn;I would still love to get together some time if you are able to. I need some of your wisdom...I so need to find a church home up here!!! Thanks again for the great posts and making me remember (on a yucky Monday!) how wonderful motherhood is!
Gorgeous pictures!You have a beautiful family!
Your writing is beautiful! Not only did God bless you with those children and the life you have, he also blessed you with the gift of writing. You can express what all of us feel, but do not have the words for. Thank you!
You have truly inspired me. Inspired me to be the best mother I can possibly be to the baby growing inside of me. Your words are true and honest. Thank you for sharing them with me...with all of us.
Your family photo is beautiful and so sweet.What a precious moment that was captured!
Please SHARE with us your story!! Please! I want, need to hear it. I am asking you to put your heart on your sleeve, and tell us about your life.
Let us be inspired!
Beautifully written. Goregous pictures. Thank you for sharing your heart with us today. :)
This is a beautiful post. thank you so much for these words that came from your heart.
Even though I only know you from your blog, it is clear that you have such a sweet and tender heart. One that is completely full of Jesus. What a blessing you are to those around you.
Thank you for inspiring and encouraging me to be the mother God has called me to be, as well as reminding me that He cups my face in His hands.
What a beautiful post. Thank you for sharing with us! :)
I love all of the warmth and inspiration that pours out of your posts. Thank you for reminding us to give ourselves to Him.
Your pictures are beautiful, as is your family.
you remind me that every day with my children is a miracle...thank you :)
I would love to hear your life story and what has brought you to this point in your life now.
That is just beautiful...the photographs and the words.
I needed this. I am having a series of TESTS done today, because they don't know what is wrong with me. Thank You for this devotional and testimony, I have never lost faith. My faith and family keep me positive.
so beautiful....
i well up with emotion every time i read one of your awe-inspired posts!
YOU are truly a gift, and so blessed by your talents and loving family.
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