Wednesday, October 15, 2008

By His Grace

Just wanted to ask for your continued prayers for my little ones. They are all four hopefully on the mend but we have had QUITE a weekend! Thank you to Granny Smith Green and A Journey To Our Daughter for their precious prayer requests posts~ you two are incredible. Thank you for being such wonderful friends to me! A huge thank you and big hug to all of you for your heartfelt prayers, sweet comments and well wishes. I am beyond grateful.  My son Bennett was hospitalized this past Saturday with pneumonia. It came on suddenly and without any warning! Once he was doing better and was discharged from the hospital- we were home maybe several hours and I noticed that Ashton felt like he had a fever. Sure enough he did. 100.5. After speaking to the Dr. we rushed right back to the hospital where they proceeded to do everything under the sun- including a spinal tap on my precious newborn baby. He had to be admitted- for a min. of 48 hours. Sweet Jesus. I felt so helpless. I cried and I prayed. Please Lord. Please. That was all I could say through hours and hours of tears.We called my Mom and she was able to fly in to help as I do not have a baby sitter or any child care. In the midst of all of this- I noticed that Bella Grace seemed to be getting the same symptoms and Emma Pearl had a runny nose. Yes. That is correct! After a visit to the pediatricians office we were told that Bella had the start of pneumonia and an ear infection. They went ahead and started baby Pearl on the same medicine just to be on the safe side. Ashton was discharged yesterday- thank you Lord.  I am now at home with my four pumpkins and four bottles of Amoxicillin- make that five-Mommy is also sick.
Thank you for your continued prayers for our family! I will keep you updated.


e.m. said...

Oh.. I know how hard a spinal tap is on babies. Two of my little ones had to get them. One was dx'd with viral meningitis at 12 weeks! My prayers and thoughts are with you and your little ones!

Christi said...

Hang in there! If I lived closer I'd come clean your house/do laundry or bring you a meal. So from California, here's sending some prayers.

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

Oh my gosh! I am so sorry to hear about your poor babies! I have been praying for your family. You are such a source of strength for your family. I admire you so much!

Jodee said...

How scary! I am so glad your Mom could help. I am wishing all of you a very speedy recovery! Take good care!

Monogramchick said...

I am so sorry to hear about the terrible bout y'all have had with illness. Praise the Lord you're on the mend!

elliotts said...

You are amazing that you have time to even escape to the computer...I know that we are all praying for you and your babies!I know we are all sending big hugs and warm, get well thoughts.

Liz said...

Oh my goodness I can't even imagine what you were going through! I love what my Mom always says to me when things get so crazy and seem so awful, "If the good Lord brings you to it, he will bring you through it!"

Gracie Beth said...

bless your heart! and bless those little ones, that sounds like quite an ordeal! I am SO glad to hear that everyone is on the mend!

Beaufort Belle said...

Definitely sending up my prayers for you and your precious little ones.

Lori said...

Hugs to you my friend for one dreadful weekend!! I'm glad everyone seems to be on the mend and I do hope you are able to get some rest for your weary soul. :) You've been in my thoughts and I've been faithfully praying for restored health for your little ones and peace for Momma!! :)

McGee said...

I found your site through Granny Smith Green. You have such a beautiful family. I am so sorry to hear that your precious little ones are sick. I pray that they recover soon and are back to their wonderful selves very quickly. And I pray that you're able to rest and recover as well.

The Mrs. said...

I have been brought to my knees before and I know the feeling! I am praying for you and that wonderful family. So scary but I know you'll make it through!

Jerri Lynn @ Southern Sassyness said...

Praying for your families complete and speedy recovery!

Sandra said...

OH darlin'. I am so sorry to hear all this. Wish I could help out :) Thank goodness for your mom!! Will put you and the little ones on my prayer list. Keep in touch!

Olivia: (mostly) Happy Homemaker said...

Good heavens! Poor thing! Praying for you and your babies!

Becky said...

Oh my dear, I will say a prayer for your littles. My little sister had pneumonia 7 times as a child and I remember myself and my older sister being quarantined away from her -- it was so difficult on my poor mother (even as a child, I could see that!). All you can do is nurse all the babies back to health and keep yourself going any way you can -- lots of coffee, lots of prayer, and don't worry about the chores! Keep us updated on how things are going. You are in my thoughts, my friend.

Jo said...

When it rains, it pours!
Positive thoughts and prayers for good health to you and your family.


The Shabby Princess said...

Continued thoughts and prayers coming your way.

fluffymuffy said...

I am so sorry to hear about everything. The good Lord was holding your family close. I have been there and it is so scary. It is good to see that things are getting somewhat better. I hope all are beginning to feel better especially mom. You will stay in our continued prayers.

just ask beth said...

God Bless! I am praying for a happy, healthy home.. I am so sorry especially with a newborn. thank Goodness for Mom's like yours. I hope they are feeling 100% soon!

MIMILEE said...

God Bless You!! Oh , how I remember those times when my little ones were sick. It can be so frightening! Thank the Lord you are a believer and TRUST the One who CARES the most and Loves your children the most! He often had to remind me of that when my fears welled up within me and believe me , they often did!
Praying for you and your lovely children!

Belle (from Life of a...) said...

I'm so sorry to hear that you all of having such a time. There's nothing worse than the helpless feeling we as parents have when our children are sick. You're in my prayers.

Denise C said...

OH my! I am so sorry you all have been so sick. I will certainly pray for all of you and I am thankful that everyone is on the mend!

Rest in Him!!!

Amy said...

Take care of you and your sweet babies! You are in my prayers!

Heather said...

My prayers are with you!

pve design said...

sending positive rays of hope, light and good health to you and your family. my son was ill, had surgery and in the hospital for 9 days in August, so I understand and feel your pain.
please take care and get well soon, all of you!

Amie said...

new here...

sorry sorry to hear you all are sick! I will be praying for a swift recovery.

Your kiddos are adorable!! Love the pic in your header!


mommy24treasures said...

bless your sweet heart, I pray they all get well and stay well.
I pray you have strength and get well super fast. Its never good for mommy to feel sick.
I am so glad everyone is home.

Keisha said...

Just checking in on you...
Glad to hear they are getting better.
I hope you feel better soon, too!

Denise C said...

HI Sebi,
I am just popping over to check in on all of you! I pray that everyone has healed well....and your life is back to its beautiful normalcy which is full of many sweet blessings!!!
Love and hugs!!!