As Easter makes her arrival this weekend I am mindful of a few things.
In between nursing a newborn. Diaper changes. Meals. Laundry and Egg hunts.
In the middle of some "things" that still haven't been sorted out.
In the midst of waiting and hoping for some prayers to be answered.
He continues to ask me a simple yet powerful question.
"What will you decree?"
If faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.
If the word says that life and death are in the power of the tongue.
If the Father SPOKE the world into existence.
If He says we have not because we ask not.
If He says we pray but we pray amiss.
If He says we are tied to the words of our mouth.
Then there must be something about the words we speak!
One of my favorite scriptures is ;
You will decree a thing and it will be established for you;
So light will shine on your ways. ~ Job 22:28
Words have power.
I remember years ago the first time I was taught this simple yet life changing truth.
I could not believe that I had lived my life speaking death over circumstances and situations without any idea what I was doing.
No clue.
Additionally, there is power in the words that other people speak about you.
If I can hold my eyes open, I wake up with an offering of praise and thanksgiving and thank Him for giving me another day and more. Then, I pray against the power of any negative or mean spirited words spoken by others over me and my family.
They will not prosper. Amen.
Then I start decreeing and declaring over my husband and my babies!
There is power in the words we speak over our family!
In a world where people call their children "crazy"," insane" and "terrors." Keep speaking life over your babies. Even your grown babies! As their mother you have tremendous spiritual authority!
Speak life.
I am not the president of the spiritual warfare club. But I love to pray and I love to pray and speak life over my husband and children. Even though there are days......oh my. I know you know what I mean.
But I try to remember the power of my words.......
Here are a few declarations I pray over all of my children as much as possible!
You are blessed and highly favored.
You are above and not beneath.
You are the head and not the tail.
You increase in wisdom and stature with God and men every day.
You are full of purpose and destiny.
You are favored above all.
You have been chosen for such a time as this.
You are blessed from the top of your head to the soles of your feet.
You have been set apart.
You are His favorite.
You are fearfully and wonderfully made.
Every place you set your foot you shall possess the land.
Everything you set your hand to shall prosper you.
You are highly gifted and walk in supernatural favor and blessings.
You are blessed coming in and going out.
You walk in the overflow.
People bend over backwards to bless you.
You are called. chosen. anointed and appointed for such a time as this.
You will fulfill your purpose.
You are loved and favored by your siblings.
You are loved, cherished and adored by God and others.
You are beautiful and have His heart for His people.
You have supernatural wisdom and intellect.
You have the compassion of Christ.
No weapon formed against you will ever prosper.
Every tongue that rises against you the Lord shall condemn.
You will have double honor all the days of your life.
Speak life on purpose for their purpose!
These are just a few "blessings" you can pray over your children. I will be back to share part two tomorrow. (A few things that have helped me to decree and declare over circumstances and situations!)

Glad your back little momma! Please come enter my giveaway:)
just tweeted you, but wanted to comment too. I really, REALLY needed to read this today. Rough parenting day yesterday, and this is perfect. Thank you Sibi!
Hi Sibi,
I absolutely love and appreciate this SO much - some of this I already knew and do and most of it was a great reminder of what I should be doing all the time.
I needed to read this today more than you know! Thank you sweet women of God!
Wonderful, wonderful & WONDERFUL again!!!!
may you truly feel Christ's joy this Celebratory week and may those that are negative in your life find His love more so that there will be no need for them to continue to be so mean because they will, instead, be light-filled!
Love in Christ,
Beautiful and inspirational. I so wish we lived closer Sibi. So wish:)
Beautiful ... and so very much needed today!
Lovely, thank you!
beautiful xoxo's nancy
i have come back & read this over and over recently.
i am using some of these blessings in a letter to one of my girls.
the lord has blessed you with much wisdom my friend. i know you feel your days are full of diapers and snacks and baths and diapers but you continually bless me and those around you more than you'll ever know.
praying your easter was spectacular!
I SO needed this.
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