Thursday, January 13, 2011

Still Waiting

Photo Credit: Martha Stewart

Oh I wish he was here! Soon but not today. I can hardly wait for the day!

I was sent to labor and delivery yesterday. We thought for certain he was making his arrival!

After several hours at the hospital this mother of five children was sent home.

Contractions still 7 minutes apart and only 3 centimeters. Apparently that is not considered active labor.


You'd think I would know that.

So we are nesting today and I have changed around the furniture and washed tiny baby loads of
laundry in lavender detergent and arranged the diapers and the changing table goodies at least 3 times.

I've been busy doing those very important kinds of things instead of tending to the mountains of regular laundry that awaits me. Which means I may have had to "break in" to my hospital bag to steal a pair of clean undies this morning.....giggles.

My bag is almost packed.

The call list is almost finished.

The kids outfits are ready.

The cameras are charged.

The blue polka dot delivery down is ready!

And I'm praying for the sweet Lord to go before us and prepare every detail in advance.

He's so good at that.

I have taken some pictures of Prince Preston's nursery and will share those with you in my next post.

Even though we are awaiting his arrival with great anticipation I am enjoying these last few moments of pregnancy. It is the most miraculous time. And I absolutely love every second of it.

Thank you to each and everyone of you for your prayers, emails, messages, comments and support....

You all are the loveliest.

May He be glorified.....


Tiffany said...

It sounds like you are definately enjoying your last days of pregnancy. I remember my last couple of days even though I didn't know it at the time. It is such a special time. I enjoyed every moment of it as you are doing now.
I am so excited for you and your family! I'm also looking forward to "meeting" your newest member of your beautiful family.
God bless you. I am still praying for a safe delivery for you and for a healthy and happy Preston!
Lots of love to you Sibi,

A New England Girl said...

Good luck! :) May his arrival be as sweet and smooth for you both as it can possibly be!

lizziefitz said...

Thanks for the update. Looking forward to all the precious photos:) Sending big hugs your way and big prayers:)

Jessica said...

Oh Sibi, how happy I am for you! I can't wait to see Preston's sweet face! My sister just delivered a healthy baby girl on Sunday. I was able to be in the room with her and even though this was her 4th child, it felt like the very 1st. Each and every child is a precious gift from God!! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!


TG said...

Good Luck sweet girl!! I will pray for you and for your little prince!!

Nancy said...

Thanks for the update, keeping you all in my prayers...

Valerie said...


This is all so exciting. Your little man, and my precious Luke are/will be 6-months apart! I can't believe how time flies...I wish Father Time would slow it down!

Anyway, wishing you a safe and blessed delivery.

With love from the Heartland,

Sandra said...

There in thoughts! XOXO

3 Peanuts said...

Thinking of you constantly and praying...cannot wait to hear the good news:)

Sarah said...

So exciting!!!! Can't wait to see pictures of the new baby!! Your family is in my prayers!

Henley on the Horn said...

I am praying for you! HOw EXCITING!!!!!!!!

Jenny Beth said...

i am soo excited for you. words cannot explain!! i long for the day to be pregnant again and be able to enjoy the "growing a child stage" the nesting, the setting up a nursery. for now i will live vicariously through you sweet friend, you are in my thoughts and prayers. best of luck and i am sure you have nothing to worry about while you are in the hospital. i bet Macey is a great little mommy and will have everything ready for yalls arrival home. hugs. jenny beth.

Love Being A Nonny said...

Sibi, Sweet Preston may be on his way by now. I know our Lord went before him. Cannot wait to hear!

KK said...

So excited for you and your family as you welcome blessing #6! Praying for you all. XO--KK

Gracie Beth said...

Still sending prayers and thoughts your way!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Sibi, I am so excited for you. I know you can't wait to meet your precious Preston! Praying for a good delivery for you. Your little Prince is so blessed to have such an awesome Mom and loving family!!! Can't wait to see his picture. Love & blessings from NC!

Hopsy said...

Praying for you and your sweet family during this special, special time!

jessica dixon said...

Sibi, I was so excited to see your post. I'm thinking of you every minute and enjoying the sunshine we have and my babies today and you are making me so nostalgic for my pregnancies, I am living vicariously through you right now. Gracie came so early that we did not have those last weeks to wait and wonder, and Margot was brought in early, and oh, I am just so happy for you.
If it makes you feel any better, I have clean laundry, though it is of course not put away, but yet my children are still running around half dressed....'s pretty cold outside... I think i'll go do something about that now :)

Tiffany said...

Oh yes! May HE be glorified...Amen.

Mary Ann said...

praying for a healthy delivery for mama and baby! can't wait to see pictures! blessings ;0)

Maria said...

YAY for an update. Can't wait to hear that baby Preston has arrived:) We'll keep praying dear Sibi!

The Mustard Seed said...


Praying for a safe and healthy delivery for you and your little prince. I know you cannot wait to meet him and I just cannot wait to see pictures of that beautiful baby!

In Christ,

bevy said...

Will pray for all who will be with you... Doctors, nurses, family, friends, and you!

Anonymous said...

just waiting to see when he shows his little face! Is he here yet? Can't wait to see the nursery! Hope you're feeling well! Nesting was my favorite part of pregnancy. Funny huh?

Love Being A Nonny said...

Just checking for an update.........