My children love their blankets. They simply must have one or two in hand at all times. Their closets and dressers are filled to overflowing with their sweet "blankies" and with four small children in the house, they seem to be everywhere! In addition, finding a lost blanket can be a major source of stress at bed-time. We've been known to call for a family search party to locate this precious source of comfort! So I decided that I would create a "comfort closet" and combine all of their blankets in one place and also use it as a way to teach them at the same time about God's covering, love, comfort and joy.
Each night the children get to pick their covering - One night it may be a mercy blanket, another night, a blanket of grace. Then they can choose a bible story from the bottom shelf to read together. I am trying to teach them about heavenly things by using their natural things. It can be hard for a small child to understand that mercy is not getting what we deserve and that grace is getting what we don't deserve- but when I use an object of their affection it all begins to make sense to their little hearts. I want them to "know" their covering. The best covering. It is God. Their beautiful Heavenly Father. Yours, mine and ours. I also want them to know what is available through Him and Him alone. I want my children to know this early in life. I want them to know what joy is- to know what hope is - to know what humility is. To know with a heart knowledge and not just a head knowledge. This "knowing" comes forth through a real relationship with the One who created them. This knowing does not just appear in our life just because we go to church - or just because we go to Sunday school. It does not shape our character just because we know a few scriptures. It is through knowing Him. To know someone- you have to spend time with them- and spending time with Him never disappoints. We are never too young or too old to learn this simple truth. When we draw near to Him- He draws near to us. Seek Him and you will find Him. Seek Him with all of your heart and ask for the blanket that you need today. I know that He will cover you. He will cover you with the grace that you need to care for your family. He will cover you with His peace to survive the storm you may be experiencing . He will wrap you tightly in His blanket of mercy, for those who so desperately want it- but are too afraid to ask. He will cover you with a blanket of unspeakable joy and then pour out a blanket of His divine love for those who have a weary soul. Oh yes. This is how good He is. Whatever the need - He is your resource. He is a beautiful 1200 thread count, 800 fill power, goose down comforter of every single thing you or I could ever need. Ask - and be covered, warmed, loved and comforted by the most incredible covering one could ever hope for. My prayer is that you and yours would be wrapped in a blanket of comfort and joy during this beautiful holiday season.......
Sleep tight.
Love this idea!
What a gift you are giving to your children - something that they can see and know deep in their hearts.
May your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with many blessings!
Wonderful analogy and very good idea for organizing all of those blankies. My oldest wasn't a blankie lover but Lorelai...oh my goodness...I'd hate to think how many blankets we washed until they were threadbare.
This is a great idea! Both of our kids have special blankets too so I can relate to having to hunt for one at bedtime!
I hope you have a great Thanksgiving!
What a wonderful way to teach God's love! This is a beautiful way to make sure that every day of your children's lives they feel the love from God. It is so much easier to understand an abstract concept with a concrete object! Please submit this daily habit to one of the parenting magazines or faith-based magazines! Yes, AS and BDiL live in the East Village. He is in grad school at NYU. Are y'all in the city? I will be back and we will get together next time!
What a great idea! Plus it is nicely organized too!
Hello my friend! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I love this idea and the symbolism involved. You bless your children in so many ways every day. You inspire me! See you soon...
Wow, that is a lot of comfort! That is a beautiful closet. I love the words of inspiration on the shelves.
I wish my closets looked this nice on the inside. Great idea. I love your photographs on the blog - do you take them?
Love the closet. Something tells me that comfort & joy are not contained in that one closet....I think it must overflow from every room in your home. :)
I can't believe while I was sick I misssed out on so much.
You are a remarkable woman. I love your grace, your values, your faith, your desire to share Christ and that you are so creatively teaching all of this to your children. I so wish I had small children again to teach them all of the things you have taught me!
Have a blessed day,
I just came across your blog, what a gift! I have identical girls and blankets are a huge part of our household. You are such an inspiration! Thank you for sharing & God bless.
just came across your lovely blog through someone who writes on 'a little loveliness' - what a blessed you lead and live!
Congrats on the new home!
working mama!
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