My Girl

This is my girl. She has been my girl for 18 and half years. She was given to me as a very special gift by my Heavenly Father when I was 18 and half years old. I don't know how it all happened so fast or where the time went but I have cherished her, adored her and loved her with a love that is not from this world from the moment I found out she was on the way. This photograph is of her Senior Prom a few weeks ago. I had a big lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I took this picture. Senior Prom. Graduation. Then off to college in a couple of months. I want so desperately to keep her here with me. To protect her from all this life can offer. To shield her from any hurt or despair. To only allow love, joy and harmony to be her companions. The hardest part of Motherhood is the pain of letting go. I am letting go, though. Through tears, and heartache and joy and many, many memories -I am letting go. She will always be my girl. Even when she has a girl of her own one day, she will always be my sweet Macey-Girl.
I can't even go there. My Sarah Rose is 14 and I have treasured every moment. I can go into a complete anxiety atttack if I even try to wrap my brain around her leaving. FAITH, I keep reminding myself of His plan, not mine:)
Your daughter is beautiful! I know she is looking forward to graduating and going to college. You must be so proud of her.
How beautifully put. The letting go is so hard. I've been walking through that the last couple of years. I'll go for weeks and be fine, and then it hits me out of nowhere, they aren't coming home to live anymore. And sometimes I'm just sad for a few days and have to pray through.
She is so beautiful. Thank you for sharing.
What a beautiful post for your beautiful daughter! I can't even imagine the emotions you are feeling right now! Hang in there!
Your daughter is absolutely gorgeous. What a fun time of milestones in her life. I can’t even imagine how you must feel. Your tribute to her was precious; it brought tears to my eyes. I’m sure she will be a wonderful mother someday because she’s had you as an example and inspiration.
You had asked me about TX on blog comment. It’s so great… most people are very friendly, DFW has so many wonderful churches to choose from, and lots of great communities to live in. It is very hot but it’s worth it. Good luck with your move.
She is just lovely! Only a MOM can fully know the blessing she is.
What a beautiful daughter you have!!
I remember, all to well..the exact feeling you are going through.
Our precious daughter graduated in 2007...and headed to YWAM/overseas for 6 months last fall.
One amazing thing you will that your relation changes as they grow up (our daughter will be 20 this fall)...and the amazing bond of friendship that amazing.
Enjoy this time...I'll be praying for you as you let her spread her wings and fly!
She is such a lovely girl! Sending your child off to college can be so difficult -- they are so ready to go, yet it can be hard to let them go. Enjoy your summer!
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