Sunday, February 26, 2017

The Pearl Event 2017

Hello, sweet friends!

I wanted to pop in and share our save the date for The Pearl Event 2017! We can't wait to see everyone again this year! More details, tickets and speaker announcements coming in the next week or so! I hope to begin posting again soon! I've missed writing here so much! Lots to share! 


Wednesday, March 9, 2016

The Year Of Promises Fulfilled ~ 2016

Hello, sweet friends,

I hope that you are doing well!

I've missed each one of you and this space here where we share community and encouragement! 

Edie Wadsworth from Life in Grace, refers to the past year as  "The year I broke up with blogging."

I would say that is true for me as well. Although I've never blogged every day- or even every week,
This past year, I unintentionally broke up with blogging and focused any and all time with our family and with writing away in the midnight hour for what will hopefully become a book of hope and encouragement for others one day.

By His grace, I've also been creating flower arrangements for people and have loved every minute of creating something beautiful. It is such a passion of mine and something I did for years before growing our family. Flowers are my love language...

The days around here are filled with high activity and a heavy workload! I am doing my best to keep up as He is teaching me how to Mother our 7 children in new ways. Everyone is growing and thriving and grateful! 

I wanted to thank each one of you who have reached out and asked about future posts and written words of encouragement to me.

It has meant so much and I am so looking forward to posting again more regularly.

2015 was a very full year with beautiful days and some really hard days too.  I know I will write about the beauty and the broken pieces of those days as He leads me to...

He always brings beauty out of our broken things. 

We are praying and believing that 2016 is the year of promises fulfilled.

He is such a good Father.  

He rewards. 




Above all we can think, hope or imagine. 

I am so incredibly grateful for His promises.

So happy to be back in this space again and to connect with each one of you! 

And for those who have asked, I will share in a separate post about the upcoming Pearl Event!


Sunday, May 10, 2015

A Love Offering

A Mother's Day love offering of words from my heart to yours.

To every woman waiting. Hoping. Praying. Searching. Longing. Yearning. Wishing. For pink lines and signed papers. For tiny feet and bonnets with ribbons. For baby showers and nursery decorating. For the sounds of heaven to keep you up at night.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

To every woman who misses and grieves and wishes for just one more day with Mama. Who would give anything to have one more moment. One more chance. One more opportunity.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

To every woman who is raising her children alone. For the heavy load. For the burden you carry. For the pain that cuts like a knife. For the weight that keeps you on bended knees, praying for every need to be met in the lives of your children. For the times that you have been dismissed or rejected or judged or overlooked. For the Mother's Day that lacks in acknowledgment and gifts and flowers and cards and special photographs.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

To every woman who has been undone beyond anything a human heart can comprehend. Unraveled at the very core of her being. Who has carried life in her womb only to lose that precious life in the end.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

To every woman who has carried life and sacrificed through circumstances beyond any understanding and who chose the selfless act of placing their life gift, their love offering, into the arms of another woman and whose gift made someone else a Mother.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

For every woman who cannot do today. Who just cannot. 
Who cannot bear to even blink or breathe or gasp for air because of the pain of all that this day doesn't represent for your heart. For all that never happened. And never will. For all of the love that was withheld. For all of the wrong that was done. For all of the good that was never shown. For all of the places and spaces inside that lack and ache and will not surrender you peace. 

For all of the Mother Daughter dreams that never came to pass. For the prodigal Mother who will not relent. For the prodigal daughter who will not come home. For the wedge of hopelessness and despair between you. For the weeping and the wailing. For the midnight hour that holds your heart hostage. For all of the love that was never offered or given or spoken or felt. For all that never was and never will be. For all of your golden childhood that was stolen from you. For every bow that was never placed. For every strand of pearls you were never given. For every day you were never celebrated. Photographed. Blessed. Loved. Cherished. Adored...

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

And He is a God who will restore. He will redeem. He will renew. He will repair. He will offer you a recompense and restitution and reconciliation above anything that you can think, hope or imagine. He is a Father who loves you and sees you and He knows it all, beautiful friend. He is well able. He is more than enough. He can fill every crack and broken place. He can can heal every crevice of injustice. He can give you something to hope for. To believe in. He can heal your heart to trust again. To breathe again. To love again. He is the One who reveals things so that He can heal things. He holds you in the palm of His hand and He has such extraordinary purpose and plans for you, His beloved Daughter.

He sees you. He loves you. He knows.

"You are the God who sees me." Genesis 16:13

Monday, March 30, 2015

You Are God's Magnum Opus

You know the feeling well. 

The one where hurtful words by another have overwhelmed you and you've allowed those words to carry your heart to a place where it does not belong. 

And with all of those hurtful words hovering over you and with all of life's demands and with all of the many ways in which you are needed and hurried and overwhelmed every day, you have forgotten one small thing.

You are God's Magnum Opus.

His masterpiece.

Which is no small thing beautiful friend.

There will be people who will want to convince you otherwise.

But His voice has to be the loudest in our lives.

Louder than any well meaning family or friends. 

Louder than the critics. 

Louder than a hundred people combined.

If we do not know the truth that is God's word and who He says we are, we will be tempted to believe the words of other people.

Their voices will be the loudest.

And we cannot allow the brokenness in other people to reduce us, intimidate us or confine us.

You are not the sum total of someone else's definition of you.

And you cannot spend your beautiful, amazing, incredible gift of a life operating out of hurtful words that someone else has spoken over you.

We have to know the truth about who we are in order to come against anything that doesn't line up with His word.

And His word is overflowing with truth about who we really are.

Read this...

"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He has planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10

This is truth.

You are God's masterpiece.

You are His magnum opus.

His beautiful daughter. His beloved child. You are His heart song. You are His gift. You are His crown jewel. His indescribable gift.

You are regarded as His most important work.

Please do not allow anyone, ever, for any reason, under any circumstance, to convince you otherwise. 

Not ever.

Write these words down and read them every, single day as a reminder.

And when the enemy comes in like a flood to try and tear you down and tell you otherwise.

Remember this 

You are God's masterpiece. His magnum opus. His most important work.

If you are surrounded by people who may be telling you otherwise...

You may need to kindly remove yourself from those people and get alone with God and His beautiful and life-giving words and allow Him to teach you the truth about who you really are.

You are amazing and incredible and brilliant and creative and beautiful and inspiring.
You are unique and full of wisdom and hope and faith and goodness and kindness and gentleness.
You are an extraordinary gift of love to this world and please, don't ever forget this.

Know that you were created on purpose FOR purpose- no matter how you came into this world.

You are a beautiful and extraordinary masterpiece knit together by the Master Himself.

Walk in this truth today.