I am reminded today of how God can be a God of suddenly type blessings.
This came to my mind recently as I was busy with the children one afternoon a few weeks ago and my Husband called for me to come upstairs. I could only imagine. I just knew that one of the tiny people we live with had done something that was worthy of a "Honey, you are not going to believe this" type of moment.
We have lots of those around here. But that wasn't it at all.
"Sit down and close your eyes!" He said with a grin from ear to ear.
I knew that look. He had a gift.
And there isn't anyone who loves to give more than me, except for my husband.
He is an exceptional gift giver. It's not something that happens very often.
Rarely even for Christmas or birthdays. It's all about the kids here at our house.
And I love that.
But suddenly and without warning.
Without any knowledge.
Completely and totally unexpectedly
A gift came.
Wrapped in my favorite colors and with a card attached was one of the sweetest things he's ever done. The tears poured forth as I unwrapped this beautiful package.
And at the same time I wondered where on earth my six foot five inches of 100 % Alpha male Husband had found pink polka dotted tissue paper and matching ribbon.
And after years of waiting.....
Suddenly I was holding in my hands the very thing that helps me to communicate a love language all my own.
Inside that beautiful, thoughtful gift was a brand new camera.
Not just any camera.
But one that took me from shooting with 10 mega pixels to shooting with 18 megapixels.
I just went from good pictures to "You have got to be kidding me" pictures ~ overnight.
Most girls would not get excited over a new camera.
But this just so happens to be my thing.
And this just about sent me over the edge and he new that it would.
I'm pretty sure I don't have any tears left after this little demonstration of love.
And isn't this just like God?
He knows what will make our hearts sing.
He knows what will just absolutely send us over the edge with gratitude and thanksgiving.
He knows what will bless us. Help us. Grow us. Teach us.
And suddenly He can give it.
Not because we deserve it. Not because we've earned it. But just because He decides to do so. Just because He loves us.
We can go to sleep tonight praying and hoping for a baby of our own and then suddenly wake up one morning with two pink lines waiting for us on a bathroom counter.
Just like that. Oh the joy.
We can go to sleep tonight staring at our left ring finger wondering to ourselves if there will ever be a band on that hand.....
Then suddenly and without warning it happens and before you know it~
you are buying your very own copy of Martha Stewart Weddings and talking about fondant and buttercream and other bride to be lingo.
We can go to sleep tonight wondering what we are going to do ~
If the house doesn't sell.
If we don't get the job.
If the test doesn't come back positively.
If the agency doesn't call.
If they reject the proposal.
If they ignore your submission.
Then suddenly.....
You get the offer.
The house sells.
The test is good.
The baby is yours.
The check came.
The job opened up.
The blessing............ has your name on it this time.
Be encouraged during the season of waiting sweet friends. Whatever you are waiting for.
God is a God of suddenly.
And He is about to take you from 10 to 18 megapixels right before your very eyes.
Click. Click. Get ready for your blessing.
Be still and know that I am God;
I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth! ~ Psalm 47:10