Photo taken by me at the beach!
I love this picture. It just speaks of Him .
If you could see inside my heart right now this is what it would look like.
Full of faith .......the substance of things hoped for.
I am reaching way down deep inside for my "getting out of the boat" kind of faith and believing that when God calls He is faithful to provide. He did so in really beautiful ways last year and His hand was all over the first Pearl Event. I am believing Him and trusting Him on a new level for the second one.
The website is live but is not finished as we are adding photos, testimonies and information daily. But I wanted to share the link with you and hopefully this will help give you a feel for what the event is like. Although I have no words to describe what it is actually like when you are sitting in the seat and His love just pours in a real and very tangible way. It's hard to describe. It's something you have to experience. It has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Him. I am simply the vessel to share a testimony and arrange the place for you to meet with Him and He shows up. Just because you asked Him to. Just because He loves you more than you could ever imagine.
I share pieces of my story because He asked me to and because I know what it's like to search but not know what your searching for. To wonder. To question if He loves me? And if He did indeed love me, then why did this and this and this happen? Why did He allow those things? Because I have asked all of those questions and He answered me.
I share pieces of my story of living a life as a little girl, teenager and young woman with a history of abuse, neglect, rejection and abandonment, to name a few, in hopes that someone else will hear and know, down to her very core that she is not her circumstances and her circumstances do not define her. He defines her and Him alone. And if He did it for me, He will do it for you.
I share pieces of my story of a young girl who was called to be a Mother at the tender age of 18 years old and the story of 10 years of single motherhood and how I allowed some circumstances to keep me from a relationship with Him. Because I do not want anyone to feel like they are not worthy of a relationship with the Father. You are worthy.....
I share pieces of my story about meeting my husband and my first experience with unconditional love and how he loved not only me, but my precious baby girl as well. I share because I want to encourage women who are single with children that God is a God of second chances (and third and fourth.....)
and that it is not over. I want to encourage those who are still waiting on a spouse, not to settle, but to wait on the one whom God has chosen for them.
I share pieces of my story and my struggle with forgiveness because I believe with all of my heart that forgiveness will take years off your life and give you a freedom you've never known. It has also been one of the most difficult and deeply personal lessons I have ever had to learn and it is a common thread that we all struggle with. But He is the key that unlocks treasures on the other side once we have forgiven.
I share pieces of my story about my relationship with my own Mother, who has, many times in years past offered her permission for me to share at different conferences and women's events. I share out of a place of love and forgiveness just as I would want my oldest daughter to share about me and my mistakes when the Lord calls her to begin to speak and teach. And I know that day will come........
I do so because I believe the most attacked dynamic in a family is between Mothers and Daughters.
I share to say look at Him. If he brought me through all of this then He must have a purpose and a plan and if He did it for me, then He will do it for you as well.
Please join us!
It is a night of hope, faith, love and pearls............
Here is the link to the new website! (requires flash)

What a special person you are! Thank God He has given you the strength and character to be bold and tell your story--which is His story of Love and Redemption.
How I look forward to experiencing The Pearl Event, Nashville, the "Double Strand"!
Hugs to you sweet friend!
Beautifully written. Sharing our stories makes it "real" somehow, doesn't it? I believe others can look at it & say, "well, if she lived thru it, so can I". I am a single mother and have learned that settling for the men whom God did NOT choose for me only left me feeling empty. So, I can certainly relate to what you said. I believe there's someone out there for me. But, like I've learned to do with every aspect of my life lately, I'm leaving it at Jesus' feet.
Best of luck on The Pearl Event. I already know it's blessed by you're stepping out in faith to places He's asking you to go.
Hugs ~ Merana Leigh
What a beautiful post! It takes such a special person to strive through the hard times and come out a better person! I so hope I get to meet you in person. Hope your having a wonderful day! xoxo
You are a God-send to women all over!! You could seriously be the next Beth Moore. xoxo
So exciting!
Note to self, get the jumbo box of tissues for my suitcase! One of those little pocket size guys won't last the first few minutes. Oh Sibi, every single word you have written has me sobbing. Can not wait the 59days until I meet you!
Sibi - I am trying to work it out to where I can come!!
My first question however is how can I get one of those blouses that you are wearing, "I am his pearl."
Will you have those for purchase at the event?
I do hope to see you.
What a beautiful post, idea and event. Wishing you the best as you prepare. Many blessings to you.
i'm thrilled for you precious friend & pray you feel His hand all over each tiny detail!
you will continue to touch so many wtih the encouragement that the lord has gifted you with
you are loved
ps--am trying to get there :)
Just read Jennifer's blog and wanted to wish you the happiest of birthdays! Hope your having a wonderful afternoon! xoxo
me again
HAPPY BIRTHDAY precious friend!!
i hope you have a wonderful day with those beautiful babies & your gorgeous girl & hubby extraordinare
i LOVE the pearls the sparkly fairy dust
you rock
Happy Happy birthday. I want so badly to go to the Nashville event....hope to work it out. God bless you. Your blog has meant so much to me.
How I wish I could be there. I pray heaps of blessings and love for you and this event.
A little bird told me it was your birthday yesterday. I hope you had an amazing day. Love & blessings from NC!
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