Sarah and Jonathan
A turn of events have happened recently that have written things on my heart that I never expected.
Pieces of life that have now become part of my testimony.
Pieces of life that have unraveled me.
Sometimes He allows the unraveling when we least expect it.
I am one who likes ribbons and bows and packages all tied up with beautiful satin...
I like life packaged up all pretty.
But there is One who unravels.....
Who will cause us to come undone in the deep places.
Who unties in order to bring the breaking bring the increase.
Because in the breaking process He can have His way.
There are times when the breaking, the unraveling, is almost unbearable.
And during these times we have the opportunity to offer up a sacrifice of praise.....
My beautiful friend Sarah is such an example.....
She is all kinds of amazing in every possible way and her heart overflows with the love of Christ.
She just lost her precious identical twin boys at 20 weeks of pregnancy.
I have had the honor of listening to my special friend share her experience. I have heard the devastation, the sorrow and the praise unto Him in the midst of it all.
I heard the sacrifice of praise.
I heard the unraveling.....
The sound alone will cause you to come apart at the seams...
I want God to piece it all back together and I want those babies back in the arms of their Mother and Father who love them so much. I want their sorrow to turn to joy and their home to be filled with the four children they were planning on bringing up in the admonition of the Lord.
But God.
Sometimes He has a different plan.
Sometimes the breaking forth, the process, the undoing of our soul doesn't happen on Sunday morning sitting in a church pew.
Or in Sunday school.
Or while we are signing up for a missions opportunity.
I would say it rarely does.
It most likely happens in the midnight hour when we are alone with Him and there are circumstances and situations that have brought us to our knees.
It happens on a Tuesday, October 11 at 8:30 p.m. in the middle of a hospital room when you have to kiss your beloved twin boys goodbye .
John Wilson and David Casswell....
Twenty weeks of love.
Sweet Jesus.
"6 ounces and 11 ounces of sheer beauty. Perfect identical faces and every part totally whole."
Sometimes it happens in spite of the fact that you have made a space and a place in your home and your heart for two incredible gifts all the while giving God the glory.
Unbearable grief.
Our hearts are broken for this precious family.
There is a depth of sorrow and despair in life that at times we can share openly, allowing others the opportunity to be His hands and feet. We can make ourselves available to receive an outpouring of love and support that one never imagined was possible.
And then there are times that we walk through grief, sorrow, loss and despair that cannot be shared and it can sometimes seem that we are walking through it completely alone.
We cannot compare pain or sorrow.
But I want to encourage you if you are walking through the unraveling at all....
Either public or private.
If you are experiencing grief or sorrow in any form, He is there with you right now in spite of it all.
He is with you in the midnight hour and when life falls apart and it seems there isn't a soul you can trust.
If you are one who has lost in life in unimaginable ways, I want to encourage you that there is One who comforts unlike anyone else.
I want to encourage you if this is you right now, you do not have to walk through it alone. He will meet you right where you are and pour out an overwhelming healing love.
Just call on His name....
I promise you He will answer. Your names are written on the palm of His hand and He is ever mindful of you and yours.....
For Sarah....
Thank you for allowing me the honor to share pieces of your story.....
May the One who has called you to this place in life pour out His peace and comfort that surpasses all understanding and may He offer the Comforter, the sweet Holy Spirit, to you in the most beautiful ways. May you know the width and depth of His love on a new level through this difficult time my sweet friend. May He bring about a recompense that cannot be measured and may the gift of your precious sons bring about much fruit. You are a woman after His own heart Sarah. You are a woman who fears the Lord and who has been an earthly demonstration of His love to many.
I pray that every good and perfect gift be released for you and your family, pressed down, shaken together and overflowing in the days and weeks to come.
May He be glorified.
Love and Miracles to you my precious friend....
"But you Israel, are my servant, Jacob whom I have chosen, the descendants of Abraham My friend.
You whom I have taken from the ends of the earth, and called from it's farthest regions, and said to you, You are my servant. I have chosen you and have not cast you away;
Fear not, For I am with you;
Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, yes I will help you, I will uphold you with My righteous hand. " Isaiah 41: 8-10

He is undeniably amazing. Sarah sounds like an wonderful woman. I will be saying prayers for her grieving and healing heart. You are a great friend to honor her and her little boys so sweetly. God bless!
wrapping your beautiful friend sarah up in prayers today.
i know the lord has you in her life as a testimony of his grace
Lifting up Sarah & Jonathon in prayers this afternoon...that they will indeed embrace that peace that surpasses all understanding. (((hugs)))
Oh Sibi, this breaks my heart. Sarah is so beautiful, she did something for me once (I'll share details with you in an email) and it touched me to the core. My He wrap her and her precious family in His arms and know that her boys are with Him. I will email her if you think thats ok. Praying for her sweet family.
I will be in prayer for this sweet family. I know her faith is strong and i'm so thankful she has you as a close friend. she is a beautiful person and this breaks my heart to hear. I'm praying for comfort in the midst of this storm.
Praying for this sweet family.
Cha Cha
My heart aches for Sarah and her husband.
I don't know but God gives the greatest challenges to the most faithful and strong, but He must have great faith in this sweet family.
I try hard to make sense of things like this and the only thing that keeps me strong is to say, "Thy will and not mine be done".
I know this precious woman personally and call her my dear friend- I cannot begin to tell you what a selfless, God fearing person she is. The loss of these babies rocked them to the core, but our God is greater and they give Him the Glory in the midst of despair!!! Sibi, your words are not only soothing to the soul, but light in this time of darkness. Sarah has told me such wonderful things about you....what a special, special gift for her during this time.
You have shared so beautifully and honestly this story of heartbreaking glory. I have been praying for Sarah after seeing her story on facebook, continuing to lift all in prayer. May His grace carry them.
I know what it is like to give birth in a dark, cold and sterile maternity ward to one precious baby boy that will never take a breath, but two? I can't fathom it. My heart breaks for them, but I am so proud of her for using a time such as this to glorify her Saviour. What an example she is. I will pray for Sarah and Jonathan and ask Him to give the comfort that only He can give.
Praying for Sarah and Jonathon, may our God is who is ever loving keep them comforted.
Lord, I pray that you heal Sarah and Jonathan of their wounds. Guide them thru their grief and show them the light of your love. Bless those two special and perfect babies - take very good care of them so they can meet their mom and dad in heaven. Amen.
Thank you Sibi for sharing their story.
covering precious Sarah (and Jonathon) in mountains of prayers!
no words...bringing them before our Father
Beautiful post. Those Cantrell's are something special. :)
Devastating. I will be thinking of her and praying for peace.
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