Four years ago today I took a leap of faith and wrote my very first blog post.
I wasn't an expert. But I felt led.
I didn't know a million things about the blog world. But I felt a pull.
I didn't know a single soul in real life who blogged or a single soul in the blog world. But I felt prompted.
There were no pictures with that very first post. Only words.
These words.....
Nov. 15, 2007
An Attitude of Gratitude... I am thankful that God is so ever mindful of you and of me. My cup runneth over with gratitude as I sit in all humility and pour out from my heart about all that He has done in my life and the lives of those I love so much. My prayer is that it would inspire you, that it would stir you and that it would point you into a real relationship with the one who created you. Let this day be the beginning of something beautiful...
I can remember thinking to myself
Lord, I don't know what you are doing but if only one person reads this blog I pray that it blesses them.
I wanted it to be a place of blessing.
A place of encouragement.
A place that would point you to Him.
And in the process so many of you have been an encouragement to me over the years.
Thank you.
Thank you to each and every one of you who have taken the time to visit, to read, to comment, to email...
Thank you to each and every one of you who have shared your own journey with me.
What a privilege to be trusted with the pieces.
Thank you for allowing me the space to share my own pieces as well....both healed and broken.
I have counted the pages here as one of my greatest joys in life.
To be connected with each one of you.
To write.
To pray.
To encourage.
To share.
To listen......
And for that I am forever grateful.....

Sibi, through God's grace alone... You are a blessing to me and so many others. I thank God everytime I read one of your posts or emails that He led me to you.
Thanks for sharing it all and teaching what truth faith really is.
You are so precious to me.
Thank God you did and still do:)))))
I am so happy you had the courage to be faithful and follow Gods call on your life. I love you and I am so proud of you and your four years.
Sibi- I am so glad you did or I would have never met Sarah and gotten to know you too!
I hope when you are in town we can all get together for coffee and talk about JESUS!
Steph Blackiston
Happy Blog Anniversary!! This blog is so beautiful and such an inspiration. God is amazing, isn't He? I feel so blessed to have "stumbled" on your blog years ago.
you have blessed so many my sweet friend. you love well.
love you dearly
amen to what everyone else has said.
I can't wait for the day we actually get to meet in person.
you are one in a million sibi!! the lord has made you such a wonderful instrument for his kingdom. thankya jesus!!!
Happy blogiversary to you!!
You are such a blessing to us all:)
Love you.
you are such a authentic one. You blessed me and others when you guest posted for word women wednesday earlier in the year:) May you delight yourself in Him today
Oh sibi - what a blessing it is to me that I found your blog - if I remember right, I think Lisa Leonard tweeted "this is such a sweet blog" so i clicked over. You stuck something in me and I was drawn in - led to you for a reason and I am so thankful for you. Thankful you heard and felt the prompting and did something. I have written to you and told you once or twice but i will tell you again; you are a blessing - God is good!
grateful indeed!
My precious real life friend. If you had never written enlisted my life would be missing a true friend. A woman I look to and admire in so many ways. I'll never forget randomly (but we both know nothing is random when you run with the holy spirit) finding your gorgeous blog and knowing I had to know you in real life. How amazing that God actually let that ce true and it was love and true friendship from the start. Just think I would have never met you, e and your sweet babies, I would have never met macey, I would have never met Stephanie, you may have never met Heidi and's just the beginning of more relationships that bring him glory. It's just the beginning of your ministry. I love u
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