Hello Sweet Readers!
Thank you all so much for your enthusiasm about the upcoming event! We are so looking forward
to this special day as well as the chance to meet and spend some time with each one of you!
Here are just a few more details that might be helpful and answer some questions you may have asked or may have wanted to ask!
Hotel Rooms:
We will be offering a block of discounted rooms at The Opryland Hotel and were waiting to see exactly how many (I've asked for more than they usually offer) before announcing that information.
There are many other hotels that we can suggest and will be offering that list here on the blog as well as on the ticket page.
Here is a tentative schedule and it is subject to change! This is just to give you a little bit of an idea!
This is my first experience hosting an event with other speakers (and I am so excited about it! ) Last time it was just me speaking, so please bear with me a little bit...my apologies!
9:00-9:30- Praise and Worship (TBA) and Welcome (Sibi )
9:30-10:15- First Speaker - Sarah Cantrell- Personal Testimony
10:30--11:15- Second Speaker- Jane Mathews- Personal Testimony
11:15- 12:00- Third Speaker- Paige Knudsen- Personal Testimony
12:00-1:00- Lunch - (on your own in the hotel unless my prayers get answered with sponsors! :)
1:00- 1:45- Fourth Speaker- Edie Wadsworth- Personal Testimony
1:45-2:45 - Fifth Speaker- Sibi- Pearl Teaching and Personal Testimony
2:45-3:15- Special video and the placing of pearl necklaces on each of the women (The speakers and some special "Pearl Girls" will be the ones adorning you all with necklaces)
3:15-4:00- Opportunities for prayer and meeting and hugging and possible squealing :) and encouraging!!
What kind of event is this?
This is a Christian event. It is not affiliated with a specific church or denomination.
All are welcome! We would LOVE for you to attend!
We are all Christians. We all love the same Jesus.
We all have testimonies that many of you may be able to identify with in one way or another!
We are not "perfectly polished" speakers....We are Mamas who love Jesus and love our families and want to share our testimonies to offer hope and encouragement and hopefully, by His grace, point others to a deeper relationship with Him.
How large/small is the event and venue?
We are offering room for 200 seats.
If there is interest past this, we will have a waiting list that will pop up on Eventbrite once the last ticket is sold and will work out the details accordingly.
We have already had ticket sales and are so humbled and honored and excited that you are coming!!!
Thank you!!
I will share more information soon! Including a detailed list of shops, and restaurants , etc and wonderful things about the area for those of you who want to make a weekend out of it!
Sponsoring the event:
If you would like to make a donation of any amount to help with the event you can do so through the
Pay Pal link on the ticket page.
If you are interested in partnering with us through a sponsorship, please email me at :
Roommates and connecting with other attendees:
If you would like to connect with a possible roommate or find out who all is planning to attend you can do that by sending out a tweet on Twitter and using the hashtag #thepearlevent.
Blog buttons about the event will be coming after Christmas!
I hope this helps to answer some of your questions. Thank you all for your support and encouragement!
Please keep His upcoming event in your prayers!

Hi Sibi, as mentioned before I would love to attend but the pricing is a bit out of my price range. If you could email me (because I have no idea how to email you, at ainsleycoulter@hotmail.com) I would be extremely grateful.
Talk to you soon,
Thank you so much for planning the event. I can't wait!
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