Thursday, October 3, 2013

Your Identity Is In Him {Day Two}

Welcome to day two in a 31 day series

31 Days To Becoming His Pearl

Here's the thing.

Identity is everything.


If we do not know who we are and whose we are- we are missing the foundation that everything else in our life is built upon.

Every, single thing in our life flows out of the very core of our being.

If the core is out of order. Or broken. Or damaged. Or is even just really lacking in truth.

Every, single thing in our life will flow out of disorder, brokenness, damage or lack of truth.

Daughters tend to receive their identity from their Fathers.

Our Fathers are called to demonstrate on earth who our Father is in heaven. 

And who we are to Him.

And sometimes, this doesn't happen.

And so we are lacking in the area of identity and spend the biggest part of our life trying to gain identity in and through people, places and things.

His word says this....

You live and move and have your being in me.  ( Acts 17:28)

We live and move and have our being in Him.

In Him.

In Him.

In Him.

Let that soak in for just a minute.

So let's look at that truth this way ....

Here is what His word does not say...

We do not live and move and have our being by who our earthly parents are.

Or by who other people say or think we are.

Or by the choices we've made.

Or by the mistakes we've made.

Or by who we are married to.

Or not married to.

Or by how many degrees we have hanging on the wall.

Or don't have hanging on the wall.

Or by whether or not we are accepted and embraced by others.

Or what street we live on. Or what kind of home we live in.

Or by any sickness or disease that has tried to steal, kill and destroy us.

Or by the worlds standard of beauty.

Don't even get me started on that one. I will spin out a 7 day mini series within this series.

Or by the numbers on a scale, or the tag inside a dress, or the balance in your bank account.

There isn't a stitch of identity within any of the above mentioned.

Even though the world will try its best to tell us different and prove us wrong.

If we are rooted and grounded in Him.

If our identity is rock solid and connected and tied to the living God who tells us that we 
are His and that we are accepted and beloved and called and chosen and anointed and appointed and loved and adored and that we are fearfully and wonderfully made. 

Nothing can separate us from that.

Nothing can separate us from His love.

Know the truth and the truth will set you free.

Free from what?

Free from a life of feeling less than. Free from measuring and comparing ourselves up against every
one and everything else. Free from a life of striving and trying to earn His love and His good graces. Free from a life of being tossed every which way but Sunday. Free from a life of wanting to please everybody and their Mama and attaching our worth and our value and our identity to their response- or the lack there of.

This was never part of His plan.

His plan was always for each and every single one of us to be fully known and fully loved. 

To be rooted and grounded in Him and in His word.

His word is living and breathing and sharper than any two-edged sword.

It is living and breathing.

It is life-giving.

It is alive.

We have to read it and soak in it and relish in it and apply it for it to have power in our own lives.

There are pages upon pages in His word that address identity.

I know from experience that reading the bible can feel like a daunting task.

I know.

I can remember years ago, opening the bible and reading from the beginning and reading about how He spoke everything into existence and reading about how so and so begot so and so and how Cain and Able had some issues and on and on....

And I would close it.

And I would say this....

God, I don't care. I don't care about this stuff.

I can't pay my bills and my lights have been cut off for the tenth time and I have a beautiful baby girl and no wedding ring on my left hand and this trailer we are living in makes me feel like the trash that everybody says that I am and there is an ache inside my heart that feels like the worst physical pain I have ever felt in my entire life and God, I don't even know if you are real or if a Holy God could possibly even love a girl like me. Because by the looks of my life- I'm not sure if you even are real or if  you do really, actually love me.

Identity crisis anyone?

I can relate beautiful friends.

From the deepest part of me- I know.

I know that for some of you who may be reading this, there are tears right now.

And so, what I want to gently ask you and encourage you with,  is this...

Those tears mean something.

Those tears need to be replaced with identity.

There are places and spaces inside each and everyone of us that need truth.

Places that need the living God to speak and breathe and heal with His power and love.

Places within each one of us that can never be filled with food or shopping or jewelry or friendship or marriage or babies or family or money or status or power or influence.

Nothing but Him sweet friends.

So I want to ask you today to open your bible and soak yourself with truth.

And open your journal to day two and write. 

Don't worry about order or handwriting or if it the words make sense or flow or anything like that.

Just write.

Talk with Him. Ask Him questions. Wait and listen for the answer. 

Listen for His sweet spirit to gently whisper truth.

I promise you He will. I promise you. (John 10:27) 

We serve a God who is the author of relationship. He is all about relationship. You cannot have a relationship with someone who doesn't speak. Or who doesn't communicate at all. 

He is a highly relational Father. He doesn't give us the silent treatment. He isn't emotionally absent.
He isn't unavailable or harsh or angry or counting up and keeping a list of all of our wrongs.

He is El Roi. The God who sees you. (Genesis 16:13) 

Put words to the tears. Put words to the ache. Put words to the places that you've never shared with a single soul.

Words have power.

Words have life.

Choose life.

The enemy wants to silence you.

But the living God wants to speak to you and through you today.

And He wants to uproot every, single thing that has tried to rob you of your true identity.

And He longs to replace it with what has belonged to you all along.

Your identity is in Him alone.

Walk in that truth today......


Michele said...

Absolutely beautiful Sibi and always exactly what I need to hear. I'm already looking forward to tomorrow's word. Love you my friend xoxo

Tiffini said...

oh mercy...i know too
i do
i can burst in my soul reading your words
i know you know..i can hear it in your words..your heart for those share the truth that WILL set free
blessings on the words you speak and hallelujah that His words really are alive and they accomplish what they set out to do...loving you on this sunday...xo