Merry Christmas blog friends,
Have you all heard about this beautiful demonstration going on around the country called 26 Acts?
Folks everywhere are beginning to do 26 random acts of kindness to honor the precious lives lost
in the horrific Newtown tragedy. One random act of kindness for each life.
I cannot imagine the depth of heartbreak those mothers and fathers and families are walking through right now.
There are no words big enough to heal the grief, loss and sorrow.
Only prayers and beautiful acts of kindness can offer some light and hope in a time of such darkness.
Only Jesus can comfort their empty arms.
We send our love and prayers to the Newtown community and to the Mothers and Fathers and families who have lost their beautiful babies and family members.
I wanted to share the links to the websites for anyone who would like to participate.
We are blessed to be a blessing.....

Thank you Sibi. Will print and's the least I can do.
I've been so excited to watch all the "acts" going on in honor of those lives! It's just beautiful. What a great printable ... THANKS for sharing it!
Merry Christmas to you and your precious family!!
Thank you for posting this information. I hadn't heard about it but will certainly participate.
Merry Christmas!
I think this is a great idea but I'm going a step further. Every year I challenge my blog readers to an adventure. This year that challenge is titled '365 Days of Random Acts of Kindness'.
Those who have accepted this challenge pledge to do at LEAST one act of kindness every single day for the next year. It can be as simple as taking the time to have a conversation with a stranger to offer encouragement, or it can be paying for someone's meal in line behind you in the drive-through. It can be WHATEVER you want it to be as long as it lifts someone up.
Our hope is to change this country. It CAN be done....please join us.
What a heartfelt, appropriate idea for all of us whose hearts are full of the question, "What can I do??"
I am likely to follow it quietly rather than publicly, but it is an excellent reminder and tool to put our faith into action.
Lovely, lovely blog.
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