Tuesday, October 16, 2012


Good morning sweet friends,

I am trying to type a quick post from my phone this morning.

I am sorry to say that my laptop was destroyed about a month ago by the tiniest
hands and a small cup of water.  I am always so careful with closing it and putting it away.

Lesson learned the hard way.

So needless to say, I have not had a way to write posts or host the radio show!

I have also had a tough time responding to emails from the tiny keyboard on my phone- so please know I will respond when I can.  I'm so sorry!

The good news is that I have no less than 100 posts to write whenever I get the chance:)

This last month has been extremely difficult to say the least and the way I process and heal is by writing. So here's hoping.

Thank you to those of you who have reached out, prayed and sent your beautiful words.

It has been a source of encouragement for me during a time of walking through really painful things.

God is so good and I am so grateful for His loving kindness in the midst of the storm.

If you are walking through a season of storms too, stay close to the Father. Cling to Him. Read His living word. Don't give up. Joy is coming. It's not over. Even if it looks like it's over - it's not. God is the author of a new thing. He is an ever present help. He is close to the broken hearted. He gives grace to the humble. Pray for those who have hurt you or wronged you. Bless your enemies. Forgive again and again and  again.  Don't hold on to people, places or things- hold on to God. He alone is all you need.....



just ask beth said...

I have been thinking of you so much lately..I know that you are in the tender loving care of OUR FATHER..Love you

paige said...
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paige said...

love you dearly...

Deborah said...

Lifting you up in prayers.

Michele said...

Lots of tears! Thank you for your words today - exactly what I needed to hear. Praying for you and your dear family. xo

DianeTaylor said...

Hi Sibi - I am so sorry to hear about your computer incident. I've missed your posts - I continue to cling to my Jesus for strength as I walk this road of pure grief. Losing my son has taken the best part of me away, leaving behind a shell of who I once was! Anger has set in - but I am walking in the truth. It's the only thing that keeps me moving each day.

I don't know what is happening to you - but know that I pray for you and your sweet family every single day.

Much love and light to you,


inge said...

Thinking of you you will get through this tough time just be really kind to yourself

Valerie said...

Praying for you, Sibi!

My heart understands where you are coming from...although the human side of us struggles with the forgive, and forgive again, and again, and again!

I've been walking thru a storm with husband's family...my husband is mostly estranged from them...I feel like I'm the glue that keeps us all together...yet, they don't want to be attached to me or our children...both sides are at fault...hubby and inlaws (all of them, not just the parents...siblings too, ugh!)...and it is so painful.

I've been reading an incredible book called "The Exceptional 7 Percent" and it is about Christian marriage and how in the end, you must put your marital relationship above all else...careers, community service, friends/acquaintances, and even extended family. That our job as spouses is to help our mates grow to know and love Christ...to help them grow in holiness...to help them get to heaven. Every other relationship is "extra"...our spouses come first...then our children...then all the rest.

I'm loving this book b/c it has helped me to see that in the end, if I focus on my relationship with Jesus...and then on my marital imperative and kiddos, all the rest falls into place. And while it would be LOVELY to have a better relationship with my inlaws...it is what it is. I love them...I honor and respect them...but I am no longer falling all over myself trying to please them when it is hurting my own marriage. I make sure the kiddos stay in contact with the grandparents and let the rest "fall into place."

God and Jesus first. The rest follows!

Hugs and Kisses

The Mrs. said...

Thinking of you!

abch said...

can't tell you how mightly our Precious Savior used your last sentences about praying for our enemies and forgive, forgive, forgive, forgive.... truly i don't know why but they hit me in such a hidden place of pride God truly isn't finished with us yet Praise His Holy and Perfect Name!!!