Hope you all are enjoying your weekend! I wanted to share a wonderful book I've been reading. I am not finished with it but I have just been blown away by the wealth of knowledge written here so far!
I absolutely love to read and try to squeeze in as much as possible even in the midst of taking care of so many young children. I read at red lights:)
I found my copy at Target and have underlined and highlighted it to pieces. I feel that it is an answer to prayer for me personally as I have really struggled with my weight , skin and so on a lot in life.
Especially over the last ten years. Thanks to having lots of babies in a short amount of time!
Needless to say, I do not look or feel the way I wanted to look and feel at forty!
I hate to say this but I am not a gym person. I am most uncomfortable in a gym or fitness facility. I absolutely cannot stand it. The smell alone is enough to send me right out the door. One look at all of those folks dripping sweat all over those machines....no thank you.
I am ultra feminine. Ultra girly girl. I don't do gyms.
I admire all of you who are so disciplined and get up every single day and work out!
Here's hoping I can overcome my issues!
I do love a good dance class though. I LOVE to dance. And I can wear pink lip gloss and pearls to my dance class. So I am thinking about attempting a class as well as trying some of the suggestions in this wonderful new book.
I'll let you know how it's going.
I'll let you know if I survive cutting out all dairy. Have mercy.
Hope you all have a beautiful and blessed weekend!