Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This Is How We Roll

Good Morning! Happy Spring!

I wanted to thank you all so much for your prayers.....

I survived week before last week solo~ but barely!

Mainly because that horrible stomach bug continued to cycle through our house for about 12 days or so!! I felt so badly for the kiddies. We spent their entire spring break in the house except for one afternoon at the park. I was doing okay until the child who had it first got it again for the THIRD time.

Luckily, I had a beautiful strength to survive it all thanks to your prayers!  I am so grateful it's over with and we are moving on!

Big Daddy was home with us last week trying his best to work. Bless him.

I love it when he's home. I feel like I can breathe a little bit.

We had THE most beautiful weather here weekend before last and spent the entire weekend outside.

Baby Preston is doing well and is just about the most delicious thing on earth!!
We are so in love with him!

Here are a few pictures of a gorgeous morning we had together ! I think they needed the sunshine and fresh air so desperately after being cooped up with the stomach bug all week.

   Pearl Baby and Big Daddy

Blowing Kisses

These two keep me busy......14 months apart!

Little Mama!
She begged and pleaded. 
The. Entire. Walk. Around. The. Lake. This is what I heard....
"PLEASE MAMA! PLEASE. PLEASE let me wear the baby!"

 So here they are! 
I have never seen her so happy!! She kissed him with every step....

And my personal favorite photo of our morning! 

This is how we roll. Amen.

For those of you who may be wondering what on earth that giant
white, marshmallow looking thing is taking up half of the stroller......

That thing happens to be my sons' bumper pads!
Usually we just wrap them around him like a giant feather boa...
They go with us everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.

If you want to find out all about it you can read the details here.

Thank you again for your prayers sweet friends! I will write again when I can catch my breath.
I'm flying solo again this week. Hope you all are knee deep in some potting soil and flower beds!

Happy Spring!

Friday, March 11, 2011

Hurry Home

I wanted to pop in and wish you all a happy weekend!

We are anxiously awaiting Daddy's arrival home tonight. He has been away all week and is only home for two days and is leaving again for another week. I am especially excited to have him home since the minute he left our entire family came down with Stomach Bug 2011.

I'm not sure I can put into words what all has transpired here this week but I know that if were not
for His grace .....

I will spare you the details.


The good news is that it's finally March! A huge turning point for me each year. The first day of spring is coming up in another week or so and daylight savings time is this weekend. The weather is finally warming up and the days are longer and I feel like I can start to get out of the house a little more.

I wanted to ask you if you would please say a few prayers for a supernatural week for us next week. The kiddies are all out of school for spring break and Daddy will be out of town the entire week.

This will be the first time since Preston's arrival that I will be solo with everyone for two weeks in a row.
Add in the exhaustion of five children with the stomach bug. No sleep. Cooking. Cleaning. Laundry and nursing a newborn and I am just a little nervous about next week.

They took everything I had this week!

I may have to pull a "Scarlet O'Hara" and "take to my bed" this weekend!!!

I have made a little list of special things to do for them and with them and I am going to try my best
to offer a somewhat enjoyable break from school.

I have the most energy (Ha!) in the mornings so I think we will head out for mini field trips in the a.m. and then come home for lunch and naps and then out to the park each afternoon with scooters and bicycles and "The Preston" in his stroller!

Here's hoping it all goes well. I'll let you know and will post pictures if I can hold my eyes open!

Happy Spring!