May there always be work for your hands to do.
May your purse always hold a coin or two.
May the sun always shine on your windowpane.
May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain.
May the hand of a friend always be near you.
May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
~ Irish Blessing~
Our day started out with a trail of gold chocolate coins and a wonderful hunt! Followed by a breakfast of Lucky Charms with green milk and green scrambled eggs! Then each of the children made their very own edible rainbows! They spent the rest of the day at an indoor playground and swimming at an indoor pool...... We are on spring break! I love days like this!
Hope you all have a beautiful and blessed week! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Louie the Lephrachan visted here early milk and green sprinkle donuts! Lots of rainbows and gold and green and class parties and Irish jigs...a fun day! Christian and I are sick but we all stull had fun - glad your hubby is home to help/love - yea!!!
Oh Sibi... Emma and Ashton are getting so big and more ADORABLE each day. You are the sweetest Mom. Just now I've decided to keep an ispiration notebook of all the adorable things you, and other amazing Mom's who blog, do for the children. You make everyday special and I want to do that when I'm a Mom. What a great day you all had, enjoy the rest of Spring break :)
Happy St.Patrick's Day. I love the edible rainbows!
Those edible rainbows are too cute! And so are your babies!!!
Look at those sweet faces! I cant believe how big they are getting!Enjoy Spring Break with those babies!
You are SUCh a good mama! I loved these pics. I bet Lucky Charms had a boost in sales this week! I hope I can remember your great ideas for next year. you make everything beautiful. You even have green bowls and plates!
It looks like you had the perfect St. Patrick's Day! Cute pictures! Enjoy your spring break!
Cute, cute, cute....every last bit of it!
adorable little leprechauns!!
I CANNOT believe how big Ashton is! It feels like he was born yesterday!
What a fun day you all had. Your children have grown so much. Love the edible rainbows. So cute!! Sounds like you all had a great day celebrating St. Patrick's Day! Love & blessings from NC!
Awww the babies are growing up. And can I just say this about YOU: Mother of the Year. Best Mom Ever. xoxo
Oh so sweet! I miss these fun traditions with my boys (all too old now. That 'pesky' leprechaun was always at work at our home on St. Patrick's day :)
Wonderful photos of all you little darlings.
sweet sibi
could honestly be any more precious?
i love how you create the grand yet simple beautiful moments & memories for your family
how loved they are
& how blessed
glad you are having a great week
ps--i love your front door!!
How sweet! I absolutely love your sweet heart for your children.
You do the most FUN things! Green and beautiful!
That rainbow is the cutest thing I have ever seen, we will be having them for snack some day soon. I love all of these ideas, I never really know what to do for St. Patty's Day, but next year I will know what to do. Thank you for your sweet and encouraging words yesterday, I needed them, I was up to my elbows in laundry caused by a stomach bug, that has hit my house, yuck!
Have a beautiful, blessed day
Cha Cha
So precious! I love holidays and seasons but I never did much for St. Pat's day until my boys went to school. One of the associate teachers made a big fuss of the leprechaun visit- mussing things up, turning over a chair, etc- while the first graders were out for recess. Mine loved it and looked for the visit of the ornery leprechaun every year after that.
And can I add how sweet is that little "nap time" sign hanging on the doorknob? Love it.
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