The Pearl Event
Sunday, March 1
New York City/Tri-State Area
I am so sorry to have been somewhat absent from the blogging world lately. One of the reasons is that I have been working on a little project called Pearls and Grace- The Event. Talk about a floor move. I wasn't sure that I had heard Him correctly but it seems that I am being prompted to hold a women's event to share the beautiful revelation about why each and every one of us are His Pearl and couple it with my personal testimony. Walking by faith here. This is a big leap of faith for me so I wanted to ask you Pearls, would you please pray for me? I am grateful for every single prayer. Please also lift up the event on March 1! I wasn't going to mention it here on P & G- But this amazing blogger has the gift of encouragement and thought it would be a good idea, just in case any of His Pearls wanted to attend! So to start - we will be holding the first ever Pearls and Grace Event in the New York City area on Sunday, March 1. If you are interested - please send me an e-mail and I can fill you in on more of the details. The event is free you just have to e-mail me to reserve your seat. Also, if you want to share it with other bloggers, etc. please feel free to do so. I will have a button for the event coming soon!
For those of you who have e-mailed me your personal testimony- I want you to know how deeply touched I have been and how humbled I am that you would trust your heart with me. I am praying for each and every one of you and look forward to the day when we can meet in person. I have something special coming up for the bloggers who shared their story with me, so if that was you~ stay tuned.
I STRONGLY encourage everyone who can see P&G live to do just that! Now, how can I get to NYC on Sunday, March 1st?!?!
How wonderful and exciting for you and all of those who can attend. My thoughts and prayers are most certainly with you!
(and thanks for the link too!)
How amazing! If anyone has a gift to inspire it is you. I will pray for you during this exciting time. I will email you later with my contact info.
Oh!! I wish you'd have told us sooner - I would've taken the train to come. Please give more information - maybe it's not too late.
What an amazing opportunity! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I am going to email you about attending. Thanks!
Sebi--I would LOVE to attend. I will email you for the details!!!
My dear friend. What a leap of FAITH! Good for you. I am so proud for you. I know it will be an amazing event for all.
I think you know I will be thinking & praying for you before , during, and after the Pearl Event. I know it will be lovely.
That is amazing! You are such an inspiration :) All those little ones and yet you are making such an impact! It is so obvious that you put HIM first and it proves all things fall into rythym when HE is your top priority!
Wow! How exciting! I will be praying for you and the many lives I know you will touch. Is there any way the event can be recorded so your blog pearls can feel like we were there?
Wow---this is SO exciting. I am thrilled for you. I will pray for you and I wish I could be there. Blessings,
Oh I do wish I could be there! I just found your blog a few days ago but it's already a favorite of mine. I look forward to more posts from you.
Dee (www.GracealaMaison.blogspot.com)
I am so glad that God has chosen you for this...you are definitely true testimony of His Word and His Works. I will continue to keep this event in my prayers and continue to lift you up.
Please check my blog on Wednesday as I have a little something for you.
I just found your blog through Granny Smith Green and it is beautiful! Sounds like this will be a fabulous event, I am looking forward to reading more from you.
I have missed hearing from you Sebi and was wondering what was going on in your life, when I got this new post. This is amazing! God is certainly working in your life and to share your story with so many women will be awesome! I wish I could come and bring my girls, but I doubt we can get it together that quick. Hopefully it can be taped for us bloggers to hear that live a long way away. I was one of the ones who emailed you and shared my story. I am praying for you and for all the lives you will touch with this event. Love & blessings from NC!
Hi, I her through GrannySmithGreen, if you're ever in South Florida, I would LOVE to hear you speak!
I really would love to come.
Where to go?
Let me know.
I live close to the city?
I think I need this.
Oh how I wish I could be there with you! I am praying for you and can't wait to hear about it! Is anyone going to be recording this? I would love to see it!
Have a great weekend!
Granny and Kim have encouraged to attend and I am looking forward to it! Of course, everyone will hear all about this pearl of an event.
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