The Pearl Event
Sunday, March 1
New York City/Tri-State Area
I am so sorry to have been somewhat absent from the blogging world lately. One of the reasons is that I have been working on a little project called Pearls and Grace- The Event. Talk about a floor move. I wasn't sure that I had heard Him correctly but it seems that I am being prompted to hold a women's event to share the beautiful revelation about why each and every one of us are His Pearl and couple it with my personal testimony. Walking by faith here. This is a big leap of faith for me so I wanted to ask you Pearls, would you please pray for me? I am grateful for every single prayer. Please also lift up the event on March 1! I wasn't going to mention it here on P & G- But this amazing blogger has the gift of encouragement and thought it would be a good idea, just in case any of His Pearls wanted to attend! So to start - we will be holding the first ever Pearls and Grace Event in the New York City area on Sunday, March 1. If you are interested - please send me an e-mail and I can fill you in on more of the details. The event is free you just have to e-mail me to reserve your seat. Also, if you want to share it with other bloggers, etc. please feel free to do so. I will have a button for the event coming soon!
For those of you who have e-mailed me your personal testimony- I want you to know how deeply touched I have been and how humbled I am that you would trust your heart with me. I am praying for each and every one of you and look forward to the day when we can meet in person. I have something special coming up for the bloggers who shared their story with me, so if that was you~ stay tuned.