Get ready. Get out your best dress. Get ready. Set your hair up in rollers. Put your pearls on. Get ready. Spray your most fragrant perfume. Step into your favorite shoes. Get ready. Get your good coat out. The one you never wear. Get ready. Buy yourself a new purse. Get ready. You have someone special you have to meet. Who you might ask?
Your destiny. That's who.
Are you ready to meet with her? This is it. It's your turn. It's your year. And it is time. Enough with the old you. The old ways. The past that loves to peer it's head into the beautiful present. Say goodbye. You have an appointment to keep. And she won't wait. You must be prepared to meet her. Divine appointments will not wait. You must be ready. Have an ear to hear what He is speaking to you. Listen. Pay attention. Not to the things of this world. But to the things of His world. He will speak to you about your life. About your destiny. About your inheritance. His word says that "the sheep know the Shepherd's voice. " He is the Great Shepherd and He longs to speak beautiful and wonderful things to you. He wants you to get ready. Some of us are so stuck -we couldn't be ready if we tried. Some of us are too afraid. Fear has it's hold on us. Some of us are simply too wounded. We can only hear things out of brokenness. Some of us are just trying to breathe. Trying to keep our head above water. Trying to hold pillar and post together at home. Trying to keep a job. Feed a family. Pay the bills. Much too busy with these types of things to be bothered with .....destiny. Can destiny pay the bills? The answer is yes. She surely can. Destiny can turn your life around - if you're ready. She can introduce her friends to you. Their names are purpose, health, healing, blessing and wholeness to name a few. Get ready. Many of you will meet her this year. For many of you it is about to rain in your life. Not the kind of rain that catches you off guard and without an umbrella. But the other kind of rain the scriptures talk about. The rain of recompense and the rain of abundance. Two of my personal favorites. Oh yes there is nothing like recompense. Recompense is when God settles the score. Recompense is when God makes a feast before your enemies. When He causes even your enemies to bless you. Recompense is when you get what you had hoped for, wished for, dreamed for and deserved long, long ago but never got it- until now. And then God gives it to you but instead of just giving you what you've wanted and prayed for. He simply gives you double. There is nothing like restoration. Restoration surpasses forgiveness. Restoration means forgiveness has taken place. Trust has been reestablished. Reconciliation has happened and now God puts his hand on your family. Your friendship. Your marriage and He orchestrates restoration. It is a beautiful thing.
The word says to be ready in and out of season. I believe this to mean- get ready and stay that way. Get ready for a divine appointment. Get ready to practice hospitality on a moments notice. Get ready to take a new job. Get ready to sit next to the president of a book publishing house on the train. Get your proposal ready. Get ready to meet your new spouse. Get ready to see a positive pregnancy test. Get ready to finally laugh instead of cry. Get ready to finally hold the baby you've been waiting on for years. Get ready to say I do. Get ready- he is going to propose this year. Get ready to finally have a best friend- who's worthy. Get ready to reconcile. Get ready for a raise. Get ready to sell your house. Get ready to move. Get ready to step into your inheritance. Get ready to walk with great purpose.....
Take the rollers out. Put on your lipstick. Grab your bag and get ready. It's your year. Don't forget your umbrella. It's getting ready to rain on you.
May there not be room enough to receive all that He has for you in 2009.
Get ready.
Matthew 25 :1-13: and those who were ready...
2 Timonthy 4:10-Be ready in and out of season...
1 Peter 3: 13-17- Be ready to give a reason for the hope that is in you....
The rain is coming.
Duet. 11:14- And I will give you the former rain and the latter rain faithfully...
1 Kings 18:41- The sound of abundance of rain...
And my personal favorite. Joel 2:23-26
Be glad then, you children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God;
For He has given you the former rain faithfully, and He will cause the rain to come down for you- the former rain and the latter rain in the first month. The threshing floors shall be full of wheat, and the vats shall overflow with new wine and oil. So I will restore to you the years that the swarming locust has eaten, the crawling locust, the consuming locust, and the chewing locust, my great army which I sent among you, you shall eat in plenty and be satisfied, and praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; and my people will never be put to shame. Then you shall know that I am in the midst of you.
THIS is an incredible post. Maybe my favorite of yours -- and that's saying something. =)
You are an amazing writer! I love this post!! and that pic :-) too sweet for words!
wow, you blow me away with your words. they are so uplifting. i love coming to your blog!
What a beautiful post! I am so excited for what this year has in store!
I just finished emailing you before I read this post.
You help me BELIEVE again!
Wonderful words ~ I need to get ready!
Thank you so much for sharing this, I really needed to hear this!
This has to be the tenth time I've read this post and it means more to me each time. Since meeting you and trusting in Him it has been raining everyday. Once I realized He is with me always life has not been the same, I have a new found Hope and everyday is now a belssing. Thank you for your beautiful words.
this post made me cry I am now considering myself a new reader of your blog.
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