This is my girl. She has been my girl for 18 and half years. She was given to me as a very special gift by my Heavenly Father when I was 18 and half years old. I don't know how it all happened so fast or where the time went but I have cherished her, adored her and loved her with a love that is not from this world from the moment I found out she was on the way. This photograph is of her Senior Prom a few weeks ago. I had a big lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as I took this picture. Senior Prom. Graduation. Then off to college in a couple of months. I want so desperately to keep her here with me. To protect her from all this life can offer. To shield her from any hurt or despair. To only allow love, joy and harmony to be her companions. The hardest part of Motherhood is the pain of letting go. I am letting go, though. Through tears, and heartache and joy and many, many memories -I am letting go. She will always be my girl. Even when she has a girl of her own one day, she will always be my sweet Macey-Girl.
It's official. I am nesting. Well, maybe more dreaming about nesting than actually nesting. Nesting is the part of pregnancy that I have always loved. It is pure instinct. With each pregnancy as my belly grows larger and larger I have always loved making the preparations for baby. This would include cleaning out every single cabinet, closet and drawer. Because, the new baby is going to look in there. And, it would include washing everything, disinfecting everything, fluffing and puffing everything and all before I can bring out the new, beautiful and very special baby things. I am the Mother who at usually around 25 weeks of pregnancy is standing in line at Target with several packages of those teeny-tiny newborn diapers. And I don't stop there, before I get home I have to open them. And I drive all the way home holding one in my hand. I have to. I can't help it. So it's almost that time again. If any of you readers see a blond, pregnant lady wearing pearls, driving a big SUV, while holding a tiny diaper in her hand, please honk and wave. It's me.
Yesterday I went in for another ultrasound and Big Sister decided that she wanted to go with me and see her new baby brother for herself. It was a big deal. A special occasion. So she got dressed up. Full princess costume. I don't think the Dr.'s office had ever seen such, but the Mother in me was beaming with pride that my sweet girl was so excited to see her baby brother. Here she is with pictures to prove that she was there. This one is going in the baby book. I am so thankful that all of his siblings are so anxiously awaiting his arrival!
I celebrated another birthday this past Friday and I have to say that I am so thankful for it. Next weekend is Mother's Day and then the next is our anniversary! I truly enjoy the month of May and of course it is my favorite month of the year. The older I get the less important the day is and the more grateful I am just to have another day with my husband and our four children. This birthday itself was nothing special but my heart was full of gratitude just to be alive. Filled with a new level of thankfulness as I am reaching closer and closer to a major milestone birthday. There was so much I wanted to accomplish between last year and this year, none of which I did accomplish~ but I have tiny arms wrapped around my neck every morning and that is more than one could ever ask for. Their sweet faces staring at me remind me that even though I do not have a degree hanging on the wall, and I do not have any worldly accomplishments, I am important in the life of a child. Four of them. This is my calling and He has anointed me to do it. The rewards come in hugs and kisses and midnight feedings. Preschool hand prints on paper plates and the sound of tiny feet running down the stairs for breakfast each morning. I love the sight, sounds and smells of parenting. My heart is permanently impressed with the greatest birthday gift one could ever ask for..... the gift of Motherhood.